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5 Tips to Make Weaning Your Baby Easier.

5 Tips to Make Weaning Your Baby Easier.

Breastfeeding is said to be the best way to feed your baby and you have shared this happiness with him for several weeks, even several months.

However, there comes a time when it has to be weaned:because you are going back to work or because you are too tired to continue. My 5 tips to make things easier for you.

Weaning your baby is not a trivial act:it is an important transition for the baby as for the mother.

1. Pick the Right Moment

5 Tips to Make Weaning Your Baby Easier.

It is better to avoid weaning your baby if the context is not reassuring.

Whether it's a move, a change in childcare, illness or some other change in the baby's environment, it's best if it doesn't coincide with the weaning period. .

2. Be Confident

5 Tips to Make Weaning Your Baby Easier.

Only start weaning when you are determined , otherwise the baby will sense your hesitation and, since it is already a difficult moment for him, he will rush into this gap to resist.

And there, you will have a hard time achieving your goals!

3. Go Slowly

5 Tips to Make Weaning Your Baby Easier.

Depending on the age of the baby, replace a feeding (starting with the least important) with a bottle or a small pot, for 4 or 5 days, then a second, and so on until complete weaning.

It takes approximately between fifteen days and a month.

4. Maintaining Breastfeeding

5 Tips to Make Weaning Your Baby Easier.

If it makes both of you happy, the baby and you, nothing prevents you from maintaining a breastfeed for the time that suits you .

For example the last of the day or that of the morning. Choose the one where you are the most relaxed and where you have time in front of you.

5. Be even more Cuddly

5 Tips to Make Weaning Your Baby Easier.

In any case, show yourself even more tender with your baby:weaning should not mean emotional estrangement, on the contrary, compensate for this rupture with a lot of affection.

I breastfed my 3 children and they all reacted differently to weaning, but overall it went very well with these little tricks.

So prepare for a somewhat difficult passage, arm yourself with patience, but also tell yourself that weaning is part of the necessary separations that punctuate the life of a little human!

And if you have any experiences to tell us about this, your comments are welcome.