With the arrival of spring, we are witnessing the return of allergies.
And it lasts all summer, often peaking in the 3rd week of June.
In order to prevent these minor ailments and combat rhinitis and other hay fevers, there are things to do.
It is best to adopt these reflexes as early as possible, from the beginning of spring.
Here are 6 to make right now.
We dust, we vacuum, we air, we use specific bombs if necessary. In short...
We're doing a complete cleaning of the house!
We wash the sheets more often, and if necessary at 60°.
Honey will be your spring treat! Why ? In honey there is pollen, which triggers allergies... so you get your body used to the pollen before it gets to your nose.
Simple, but you had to think about it!
2 teaspoons a day from the end of March to the middle of spring, preferably choosing a honey from your region .
You can also chew the wax for several minutes a day.
Did you know that smoking weakens your immune defences ?
It thus provides a breeding ground for all kinds of allergies that will have a field day.
So we try to slow down, or even quit smoking completely.
A cure of about 3 weeks of magnesium chloride is recommended once or twice a year.
Doing this cure from the end of March helps the body prepare for spring in a radical way.
At the end of winter, we need a little spring detox, which helps to wake up the body . This detox can help against allergies.
It is added to foods rich in fiber and not fat such as garlic, onion, nettle and citrus fruits.
These foods are rich in omega-3 and vitamin C.
They will strengthen the immune system of the body. This helps it to fight allergenic attacks.
You can also prepare herbal infusions.
For the most shy people, an extra push can be given.
You can use a little homeopathy. It's about healing the breeding ground for allergies.
For this, try sabdilla (9 CH) against sneezing.
Supplement with euphrasia (9 CH) to help with itchy and runny eyes.
Your rhinitis does not stop immediately? They may alert you to more serious allergies.
You may be allergic to peanuts, lactose, gluten, etc.
In this case, screening and treatment will be necessary.
It will then be necessary to think of consulting an allergist at the slightest doubt.
Your doctor will definitely advise you.