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5 tips against swollen feet

5 tips against swollen feet

Do you quickly suffer from swollen feet and ankles? You can do this against it.

1. Drink enough
Drinking water helps with many ailments and problems. If you have swollen feet quickly, you should continue to drink plenty of fluids, especially as temperatures rise. Don't forget to drink regularly on the plane.

2. Move
Taking a walk every now and then can already make your feet less swollen. So schedule in time for exercise during the day.

3. Put your feet up
This provides relief and allows the moisture to drain more easily from your feet. Optionally, you can put a pillow under your feet when you go to sleep, or raise your bed frame if you have that option.

4. Do not wear shoes that are too tight
Tight shoes are not comfortable if your feet are swollen.

5. Do not eat too much salt
Salt causes you to retain moisture and that is exactly not what you want if your body is already retaining too much moisture.