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12 Tips against loneliness in Corona time

Thanks to all the measures, we are at home en masse. And that causes a lot of loneliness. With these 12 tips against loneliness in Corona time you prevent yourself from falling into depression.

Corona and the impact on our lives

We have been at home more than ever for almost a year now. We now also have to deal with a curfew and an even greater emphasis is placed on working from home. Unfortunately, this increases the risk of loneliness. Where you used to come to the office and have contact with colleagues, this is all starting to fade. Not to mention people who have to sit at home through the whole situation and have no work. Finally, quarantining (mandatory) can also cause you to lose control of your feelings and languish in loneliness.

Loneliness has a major impact on people. And not only loneliness, also the fear of the unknown, where we are going and how this all has to be solved is bad for our immune system. While our immune system is more important than ever now. In order not to let these negative feelings get the better of you, it is important to arm yourself against loneliness.

12 Tips against loneliness due to Corona

You can immediately apply the tips below in your own life and you don't even have to leave your home for that. Of course that is an option, but it is not a must. With these tips against loneliness you will get through the Corona (quarantine) well, without becoming depressed or losing contact with the outside world.

1. Tips against loneliness:get a routine

We humans are creatures of habit and if all of a sudden all things disappear from our daily routine, we suddenly have too much time. And it is precisely at this time that most people do not know what to do. Because of this you just do something and at the end of the day you have the idea that you have achieved or done nothing.

That is why it is important to have a regular daily routine. Try to get up around the same time every day, regardless of whether you have a job or not. This applies not only to getting up, but also to going to bed.

Every day, set certain goals for yourself that you must achieve by the end of the day. They don't have to be big things, but make sure you do all of these things. Also make it a routine so it feels like a habit and at the end of the day you know what you've done and don't feel useless.

2. A positive attitude

Of course we all feel like a plug that we are locked up within our own four walls. Your own attitude can largely determine how you feel in a certain situation. That can even lead to loneliness. The thought of being alone alone can be frightening. In addition, being alone is often associated with negative thoughts and something that shouldn't be. This ensures that people really feel lonely.

However, being alone doesn't have to be so negative. In the first instance, this mainly means that you have a lot of time for yourself. Time, which you normally always lack! So use the time you have now usefully. (Re)Discover yourself, what you want and where you are in your life right now. Set goals you want to achieve in your life and start working towards them. Now you have the time for it and no one is standing in your way (partner, family, etc.)

3. Stay in touch with others

Unfortunately, things like apps, messenger or even letters can never replace real human contact. Still, at the moment it can be a good alternative not to fall into loneliness. Pick up the phone regularly and stay in touch with friends and family. Preferably opt for video calling, so that you can actually see each other.

Don't really have family or friends? Then look for new contacts via social media. There are various groups where people really look for friends because they are lonely themselves.

Do you want to keep in touch with each other in a fun way? Then write an old-fashioned handwritten letter. That is a lot more personal than a message via Whatsapp.

4. Break the silence

Now that you are alone at home, your life has become a lot quieter. In normal daily life you are used to a lot of noises around you. Whether it's colleagues having a good laugh, music playing or the buzz around you when you go out, all this falls within your own four walls.

In order not to become maddened by the silence, you must break it. Take away the feeling of loneliness by putting on music. Or turn on the TV for some background noise. If you are used to music or buzz at work, imitate this at home.

You can also listen to a podcast or set up an audiobook. As long as you make sure you forget that you are actually alone. This does not have to be literally with people in the house, but simply by fooling your mind with background noises.

5. Do things that make you happy

That sounds very simple and in fact it is. Do things that make you happy. That can be things like reading, painting, taking pictures, cuddling with your dog and much more. Think of this time as extra time that you can use for your hobby. Or discover new hobbies. Let yourself be creative, take the time to take a bath or surprise others with your creativity.

6. Get exercise

Sitting inside all day is obviously not good for you. Either way, make sure you get plenty of exercise. It's not that difficult at all, even without a gym you can get enough exercise. That does not have to cost a lot of money, because even with a small budget you can stay fit from home. Easy exercises such as push-ups, climbing stairs and, for example, Pilates are very suitable for keeping the body moving.

Exercise is not only necessary for your body, but also for your psychological health. Therefore, it is necessary to move as much as possible. Of course only if your health really allows it.

7. Pimp your home

Now that you have a lot of time, you can take care of your home. This does not always have to be a major renovation:a different color on the wall or shifted cabinets and sofas can immediately provide a completely different look.

You don't have to take it so big, by the way. Tidying up, throwing away unnecessary things and having a major cleaning immediately make you feel better within your own four walls.

Reading tip:This is how you can give your living room a makeover

8. Tips against loneliness:keep your mind sharp

It's not just important to keep your body moving, it's also important for your brain. There are several things you can do to keep your mind sharp. Grab a puzzle book, learn a new language, or take another online course that interests you.

9. Take care of yourself

In a confusing time it is very important to continue to take good care of yourself. The chance that you will have to deal with negative thoughts is high. Feelings of fear, insecurity and dejection can quickly take over when you are alone. Although these emotions make perfect sense, you have to overcome them.

Write your feelings off. Keep a diary during this period. Try to find online support groups so that you are not alone with your thoughts and feelings.

In addition, you must take good care of yourself in terms of food and drink. It's so easy to choose convenience, because you're all alone anyway. Prevent this and provide healthy and fresh food, even if you are alone. Healthy eating can also contribute to stable feelings and emotions.

10. A good neighbor is better than a distant friend

Especially in this time it is important to have a good relationship with your neighbors. They can be an important support in times of loneliness. You don't even have to visit each other. You can have a balcony date with your neighbors or you can talk to each other through the fence of the gardens. No matter how little real human contact, it dispels loneliness.

11. Wellness within your own four walls

Who says you need a manicure, pedicure and that sort of thing to completely relax? Set aside at least 1 afternoon a week that is completely devoted to wellness. Take a long hot shower. Take a long bath. Take a mask, paint your nails, take the time to do your hair and take care of your body from head to toe. That is relaxing and ensures that your gloomy thoughts disappear.

Reading tip:Thanks to these tips you don't need a manicure

12. Attending live events

It is of course possible that you still feel lonely despite everything. You miss the festivals, events and much more. Numerous events are currently being organized online. That varies from a high tea to real festivals. Just search online, sign up and enjoy an unforgettable online event together with many others.

What do you do about loneliness? Share your tips below so others can learn from them.