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Tips against itchy armpits

Tips against itchy armpits

Itchy armpits are very annoying. If you know what makes your armpits itchy, you can ease the itching.

1. Itchy armpits? Check your products

Using a new deodorant, shower gel, or other detergent can have an effect on your skin. Switch product if necessary and preferably choose perfume-free products, possibly especially for sensitive skin.

2. Take good care of your skin

Make sure to keep your armpits clean and dry. Shower not too hot. Be careful with hair removal, this can cause minor damage to your skin, which can cause extra irritation.

3. Look at your skin

Do you suffer from a rash under your armpit, or does the skin look red, dry or irritated? You may be suffering from a yeast infection, eczema, or another skin problem. Keratosis pilaris can also occur under your armpits. If in doubt, consult your doctor.

4. Did you sweat a lot?

Sweating a lot can irritate your armpits. The itching in your armpits may be related to a problem with your sweat glands or excessive sweating. Also read our tips to sweat less.

5. Exclude factors

Itchy armpits can be caused by many factors. Some women experience it during or after pregnancy, probably due to hormonal changes. Try to rule out causes. Do you use the same detergent? Is your razor sharp? Are your armpits clean? Don't have a result? Are you allergic to your deodorant? Maybe you can solve the problem by making small changes.

6. Don't scratch your armpits

Scratching irritates the skin, which will likely only make it more itchy. Try to hold back