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4 tips against tear eyes

4 tips against tear eyes

You will always see:you just put mascara on, your eyes start to water. Fortunately, there are tricks to get rid of it. Or even better:to prevent it.

Solution 1:Keep your eyes moist

It may sound a bit crazy, but dry eyes are the most common cause of watery eyes. That's called reactive tears. Your eye is not producing enough tear fluid or it is of poor quality. Your eye feels dry as a result and gets an incentive to start tearing.

Sometimes you get drier eyes with age, but luckily there is something that can be done about it. For example, put a bowl of water near the heating, so that the air in the house becomes less dry. Or put a wet towel on your eyes for about five minutes to moisten them. In addition, consciously blink your eyes more often to stimulate the lacrimal gland.

Read also: 'This is how you cut an onion without tear eyes'

Solution 2:Rinse your eyes

Watery eyes can be caused by something external that is irritating. Dirt can reach the eye in various ways, for example while doing odd jobs. A fly in the eye during cycling, or sand in your eye during strong winds. Rinsing is usually a good solution.

Gently rinse the dirt from your eye. Preferably with cooled boiled water. If you are in more of a hurry to rinse your eye, for example with a harmful substance in your eye, use lukewarm water. Other ways to get small dirt out of your eyes are to remove the dirt with clean fingers and a clean gauze (don't rub or push!). It can also help to take the eyelashes of your upper eyelid between your thumb and index finger and to pull your upper eyelid over your lower eyelid. This will make your eye water a little more, allowing the dirt to wash out.

Solution 3:Blink more often

Every time you blink, a fatty fluid comes out of your lacrimal gland and spreads over your eyeball. This fluid protects your eyes from outside influences and keeps them moist, which can prevent watery eyes. Healthy eyes blink twenty times a minute. Research shows that people who often work in front of the computer blink far too little:only five times a minute. Also read our tips for tired eyes.

Make sure you 'blink well':only with your lids and as light as a butterfly's wing beat. You can also do this blinking exercise:close your eyes for a few seconds and relax them completely. Now blink your eyelids six times very gently. Then close your eyes again for a few seconds. Repeat this exercise three times. This way you become more aware of how often you blink.

Solution 4:Protect your eyes

Bright sunlight tickles your eyes. Just like cold and strong wind. In response to those stimuli, your eyes produce tears for protection. You can wear sunglasses to protect your eyes. This also helps in the middle of winter to protect your eyes and reduce tearing eyes.