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Inflamed gums? Take action!

Inflamed gums? Take action!

Do you suffer from bleeding gums? Then this is a signal that your gums are inflamed. In the long run, this can be harmful to your health. It is therefore important to do something about this in time.

Bleeding gums are almost always caused by inadequate oral hygiene. When you don't clean your teeth properly, the tartar builds up on your teeth. It contains bacteria that settle in the transition from teeth to gums. The result is inflamed gums that recede and bleed.

Read also: 'Flossing:before or after brushing your teeth'

The right brushing technique

With a good brushing technique you can reach your entire teeth, even the more difficult places. Don't forget to replace your toothbrush as soon as the bristles start to bend outwards, which is usually after about three months.

This is how you do it :

Divide your teeth into four parts:bottom, top, left and right. Brush each part for at least thirty seconds. Hold your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle. Make short movements and move from left to right. Be careful not to push too hard. Also take your back molars and the insides of your teeth with you.


Your gums are connected to your teeth. When you have a lot of bacteria, plaque and tartar on your teeth, your gums can become irritated and retract. This creates space between your teeth and your gums. Flossing helps to keep the space between your teeth as clean as possible.

This is how you do it :

Set aside a few minutes each day to floss. Flossing is done with dental floss or dental carriers. Your gums may bleed a lot the first few times, but you'll find it gets better the more you floss.

Ratanhia root

Gums that have withdrawn once, unfortunately, do not come back. However, you can ensure that it does not retreat further. Ratanhia root could help with this. This plant purifies your gums and would ensure that your gums become healthy and strong again.

This is how you do it

There are several ways to use ratanhia root. For example, choose a tooth balm with ratanhia extract or use mouthwash with ratanhia root.

Gum massage

A gum massage improves blood circulation in your gums. This can help ease the pain and reduce inflammation.

How to do it:

Using a clean toothbrush, make gentle, circulating motions on your gums for about a minute. You can also use your fingers, provided you wash them well and your nails are short.

Source:Santé April 2016 Text:Mara Ruijter