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Boost your memory

Boost your memory

You don't necessarily have to do puzzles to do something good for your memory. Small adjustments in your habits can already make a difference.

Use pen and paper more often
It is attractive to type out notes. This is faster than writing, but writing has an important advantage:it is better for your memory.

This claim is supported, among other things, by studies showing that students who take notes with pen and paper score better than students who take digital notes.

5 ways to write more

1. Make a to do list
Start your day by writing out your to do list on paper.

2. Use a paper agenda
A paper calendar doesn't automatically sync with your computer, but jotting down your appointments by hand will help you remember them better.

3. Send a card Surprise someone with a handwritten birthday card or thank you card. It's nice to receive physical mail.

4. Doodle
Scribble on a piece of paper during a phone call or meeting. Are you afraid that others will think you are not paying attention? Research shows that it helps you to store information.

5. Keep a diary
Have you written full diaries in the past? With these tips you can pick up your writing again. It gives you several benefits. Are you not the type to keep an extensive diary? These are the best diaries you can keep.

Read also: 10 tips to keep your brain fit