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Boost your body this winter!

Boost your body this winter!

Tight skin, colds, fatigue… the symptoms that accompany winter are as numerous as they are annoying. With the falling temperatures, our body is put to the test for a few months. So this year, come to his rescue with our tips for facing winter.

Boost your immune system with probiotics

" Prevention is better than cure " ! To face winter with peace of mind, we advise you not to wait until you are sick to act. Stimulate your body by taking probiotics so that it is in the best conditions to fight against the little ailments of winter. Probiotics are micro-organisms (bacteria) found in fermented products such as milk or yogurt. These "good" bacteria replace the bad ones to boost your immune defenses.

Treat gastro naturally

In winter, it's the great return of gastro! To get rid of this disease as quickly as possible, there are effective herbal remedies. To fight diarrhea, mix a teaspoon of green clay in a glass of water, let it sit (the clay falls to the bottom of the glass) and drink only the cloudy water. Carrots and rice are also powerful antidiarrheal foods. Dried blueberry berries in herbal teas are also very effective in curing gastro naturally. To soothe nausea and vomiting, your ally is ginger. You can consume it in herbal tea, in candied or fresh pieces.

Do you have a cold?

To avoid complications, take the right steps! Decongest the nose as often as possible by washing with saline or seawater solutions. You can also do inhalations with eucalyptus to decongest the nose naturally.

Starting to have a sore throat?

To relieve your sore throat, prepare yourself a glass of lukewarm water with lemon juice for its astringent and antiseptic properties. Honey is also very effective in relieving tingling throat. A herbal tea of ​​thyme will help soothe coughs and sore throats.

Is your skin tight and dry?

The cold tends to dry out our skin. To avoid tightness of the epidermis, drink regularly, opt for richer and more hydrating moisturizers. To moisturize your lips and hands, take shea butter everywhere with you. In a small format, you can easily slip it into your handbag to stay hydrated all day. Also reduce the frequency of scrubs so as not to attack your skin.

Strengthen your immune system:consider essential oils

For a strengthened immune system, opt for essential oils. Use these oils with great caution. Some are consumed orally, others by inhalation and others by massage. Here are 4 essential oils to use in winter:Tea tree essential oil known for its antiviral, antifungal and antiseptic properties. Ravintsara essential oil is a versatile, antiviral and immunostimulating oil. Thyme essential oil with anti -viral and antiseptic. Chinese cinnamon essential oil which helps fight against fatigue and strengthens the immune system.

Make sure you get enough sleep

In winter, fatigue is your worst enemy. Lack of sleep makes you vulnerable to the slightest virus. So try to have a restful sleep of at least 7 hours a night.

Consume vitamins A, C, E, and D

Vitamin A stimulates the production of antibodies. You will find this vitamin in carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, spinach, etc. For its part, vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant. To incorporate it into your diet, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (guavas, peppers, kiwis, oranges, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, etc.). You will find vitamin E in vegetable oils (sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower seeds, avocado oil, etc.). For a vitamin D cure, eat fatty fish such as mackerel, smoked herring or cod liver. Also expose yourself regularly to daylight.

Do some physical activity

To give a boost to your immune defenses, the practice of physical activity is very effective. This notably helps to detoxify your body, reduce stress, promote restful sleep, etc.

In winter, our body is put to the test. To be in good shape, it is better to prepare your body for this drop in temperature. For treatment or prevention, do not hesitate to use the famous grandmother's remedies and natural recipes. If in doubt or if symptoms persist, consult your doctor.