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5 ways to boost your fertility

5 ways to boost your fertility

Have you and your partner decided to try to conceive? Then of course you want to do everything you can – as far as possible – to get pregnant quickly. Unfortunately, there are no miracle cures, but there are a number of things you can do to boost your fertility. Worth a try, right?

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1. Eat a balanced diet

If you want to get pregnant, it is important that you are a healthy weight. What you eat, of course, largely contributes to this. Therefore try to eat as balanced as possible; think of lots of vegetables and fruit, multigrain products, lean proteins and healthy fats. Also, say goodbye to unhealthy habits, such as eating sweets and too many processed products. It can also help to adjust your drinking habits:try to consume less caffeine and limit your alcohol intake to a maximum of two drinks per week. Also don't forget to avoid smoking.

2. Exercise regularly and relax more often

To keep your stress levels low – and thus increase your chance of a pregnancy – it is important to invest in yourself and do what gives you peace of mind. Whether that is meditation, yoga or walking, combine it with regular exercise for the best effect. Are you a healthy weight? In that case, do not exercise much more than you are used to, because that can sometimes cause irregular periods and weight loss.

3. Use an ovulation test regularly

An ovulation test is often accurate and you can easily do it yourself. By taking a test, you will find out when you are ovulating and, of course, you can ensure that you have sex around ovulation. Do you see that you are not ovulating? Then contact your doctor to discuss what could be the cause and how you can get your ovulation going again.

4. Use sperm-friendly lubricant

When you're trying to get pregnant, sex can also get quite stressful and routine. Of course you still want to have fun in bed and increase your chances of pregnancy at the same time. You can do both with sperm-friendly lubricant, so it's definitely worth a try.

5. Take the right supplements

It is important for women to take prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid to prevent birth control. But did you know that folic acid also has a positive effect on the health of your partner's sperm? Taking fish oil can also help:it can improve the quality of sperm and ensure that you as a woman have enough healthy fatty acids in your diet.