"My memory is failing, I don't remember very well good"...
If the lyrics of this song speak to you, it's because you want to boost your memory.
Memory and concentration booster , it is possible with simple, effective and natural tips.
Essential oils, omega-3 or others, choose your formula:
The ginkgo biloba is reputed to improve blood circulation and brain function. It is consumed in the form of capsules (you can find some here).
This plant acts on the nervous system and therefore, the memory. Drink one sage infusion a day , sweetened with a little honey, boosts memory (you can find it here).
Green tea has a thousand virtues. Including that of containing powerful antioxidants and very useful to keep a good memory.
Discover all its benefits here and consume it without moderation.
Some of the essential oils improve memory and concentration. You can breathe in 6 to 8 times a day and/or diffuse them in your interior.
Choose from rosemary, basil, peppermint or lemon essential oil, depending on your taste.
They are mainly present in oily fish (anchovies, herring, mackerel, sardines, salmon, trout). Eating fish to have a good memory is not a received idea.
Omega-3s preserve brain function.
Poor sleep affects concentration and also memory. The most important hours of sleep are those before midnight. Try to get regular, restorative sleep.
Click here to discover remedies for insomnia.
There you go, you will be able to boost memory and concentration :-)