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Basil tea a boost for your health

Do you suffer from stress? Complaints because of asthma or headaches? Then consider using basil tea. Basil tea boosts your health thanks to antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Basil, a beneficial herb

Many people know basil mainly because it is used to make pesto. However, basil is not only tasty, but has many health benefits. The herb contains vitamins A, C, D and E, as well as vitamin K, a substance that can prevent heart problems, among other things. In addition to numerous vitamins, basil also contains the following minerals:calcium, magnesium, iron and potassium.

Basil tea a boost for your health

As already mentioned, basil is mainly used in the kitchen when making fresh pesto. Also popular is the combination of mozzarella, tomatoes and basil leaves. What many people do not know, however, is that you can also make tea from it. Tea that is good for many ailments and health problems, including asthma, headaches and gastrointestinal complaints. Basil can even serve as a substitute for ibuprofen, because it has the same composition.

Basil tea for asthma, flu and bronchitis

Basil is a natural remedy if you have trouble breathing. The cleansing, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial substances in the herb help keep the airways clean. In addition, the herb will remove all substances that cause flu from your body. Do you suffer from mucus a lot? Basil tea is also recommended, as it has an expectorant effect. A natural remedy to get rid of flu and colds.

Reading tip:10 home remedies that help with a cold

Basil good for the kidneys

It's not just good for your respiratory system, it's also good for your kidneys. Due to the diuretic effect, it is the perfect support to cleanse your body of toxins. Combined with the fact that basil is also anti-inflammatory, the tea can prevent kidney infections and kidney failure.

The antioxidants present form a natural barrier that prevents kidney stones and chronic kidney disease. Do you suffer from a urinary tract infection? Then you could try basil tea, which increases production. The more you urinate, the faster you get rid of the infection or inflammation.

Get rid of stress with basil tea

Many people have periods of stress in their lives. Especially in this time, when everything is all about Corona. Stress has a negative impact on our lives in many ways. Do you want a natural remedy to deal with stress? Then try it with basil. The active substances in the herb ensure that you not only relax physically, but also mentally within a few minutes. The intake causes a decrease in cortisol, the stress hormone. At the same time, the production of endorphins (happiness hormone) is promoted. Ideal to increase your performance.

Relieves headaches naturally

Do you suffer from tension headaches? Then you will certainly benefit from using basil as a tea. The anti-inflammatory properties ensure that the absorption of oxygen is optimized. As a result, you relax and the headache disappears. If you don't feel like drinking tea, you can also put the tea on your forehead as a compress. Make tea, put it on a cloth and place it on your forehead for 15 minutes. That gives relief and takes away the headache.

Improve your digestion

In the West we think we eat healthy, but the truth is that our lifestyle is anything but healthy. It is therefore not surprising that many people suffer from digestive problems. The substances in basil ensure a good intestinal flora and help to remove waste more easily and faster. It also provides relief from (excessive) gas, inflammation and abdominal pain. Did you eat a heavy meal or suffer from heartburn? Even then basil tea offers a solution.

Helps with inflammation such as arthritis and eczema

A source of health problems are unwanted inflammatory reactions in the body. You can tackle this with medication or you can try it naturally. Basil is ideally suited for this. Especially if you suffer from arthritis. In addition to arthritis, you can also use the tea if there is an injury.

For inflammation, you can even just put fresh leaves on the affected area to help it heal faster. Do you suffer from itching because of an insect stream? Then just put a little bruised basil leaf on top. You can use a tea compress to treat eczema

Prevent aging of your skin

In addition to all these health benefits, drinking basil tea has another major benefit:it prevents the skin from aging. The active ingredients protect the skin against the formation of wrinkles and age spots. The high content of flavonoids and tannins counteract early aging processes. The essential oils also provide protection against free radicals.

Basil a healthy herb

If you read all these things, you will understand that basil tea is a boost for your health. You can easily make the tea yourself from fresh or dried leaves. Make sure that you do not use too much, because that is unhealthy and can cause stomach pain, for example.

Do you already use basil tea for your health?