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6 tips to keep your weight under control

6 tips to keep your weight under control

Want to lose a few pounds without dieting or extra exercise? It is possible with these simple tips.

1. Drink a glass of water before every meal
It makes you feel fuller, so you are less likely to eat too much.

2. Be creative with ingredients
Replace bread with healthier crackers or wraps, opt for lean dressing for your salad and the least fatty sauces for dinner. During every meal there are a number of ingredients that you can cleverly replace, make use of them.

3. Weigh your portions
Don't gamble some pasta in the pan, but weigh the portion. The same goes for snacks:don't plop on the couch with the entire bag of chips, but put a portion in a bowl.

4. Choose your drinks consciously
Most soft drinks and juices contain more calories than you expect, while providing few essential nutrients. Save these 'unnecessary' calories by drinking more water and tea.

5. Get enough sleep
Try to sleep at least seven hours a night. Those who are tired during the day are less active and eat too much more quickly.

6. Move enough
You don't have to spend extra time in the gym to get more exercise. Small changes already make a difference:cycle more often, take the stairs instead of the elevator and go for a walk more often during your lunch break.

Source:Fitsugar | Image:Shutterstock