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5 tips to get more out of your conversation with a doctor

5 tips to get more out of your conversation with a doctor

One in three patients does not remember a conversation with the doctor well. Not really that crazy, you often suffer from nerves, sometimes emotions run high and you receive a lot of (complicated) information.

In addition, about half of the people do not dare to ask all the questions. The following tips will help you get the most out of your conversation with the doctor:

1. Prepare yourself Before the interview, make a list of questions that you want answers to. Write them down and keep it handy during the conversation. Zilveren Kruis has developed a tool with useful questions for your doctor/physician, so you can easily prepare a personal questionnaire.

2. Don't be ashamed
No question is silly or stupid. Put your shame aside and ask any questions you have. Also dare to ask for more explanation if you do not understand the doctor immediately.

3. Bring someone with you
Certainly if you are tense or expect bad news, it is smart to take someone with you to the meeting. Two is more than one.

4. Record the conversation
In March, Minister Edith Schippers of Public Health advised recording the conversation. You can listen back to the conversation later and possibly let family members hear it to inform them about your diagnosis. Learn more about recording a conversation with your doctor.

5. You often don't have to decide right away
When you have a difficult decision to make, ask if you can think about it for a while. Do you realize at home that you haven't quite understood something? Please feel free to contact the doctor or hospital again.

Read also: 5 questions the doctor often asks