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9 Quick Tips To Lose Weight Easily.

9 Quick Tips To Lose Weight Easily.

Want to lose a few pounds?

So I'm revealing to you today 9 little tips for losing weight quickly.

During the winter, the kilos easily become encrusted...

On the stomach, thighs, hips, buttocks... Let me tell you that it's not great!

Fortunately, I tested 9 tips to lose weight quickly. They were recommended to me by my dietitian.

And I can tell you that it works like hell!

And the best part of it all? No need to go on a drastic diet!

Here are 9 simple and effective secrets to lose weight naturally :

9 Quick Tips To Lose Weight Easily.

1. Eat a protein-rich breakfast

The first reflex to have is to give up breakfast such as a butter croissant or jam baguette.

Studies have proven it:you have to fill up on protein from breakfast.

Indeed, having a breakfast rich in protein reduces the feeling of hunger throughout the morning.

A high-protein breakfast reduces the number of calories consumed for the rest of the day.

That's all well and good... But what is a high-protein breakfast, will you tell me?

It's quite simple.

For example, you can eat oatmeal mixed with yogurt and fruit.

Oat flakes bring a feeling of satiety. Not to mention that you are full of fiber.

You can also make an English breakfast with eggs and vegetables (tomatoes, spinach, mushrooms).

Accompany everything with a slice of wholemeal bread. And you will see that you will be satisfied until lunch.

Alternatively, eat cottage cheese, with fresh fruit, nuts and hazelnuts.

Cottage is a low-fat cheese.

On the other hand, it is rich in leucine. Ideal for preserving muscle mass.

If you prefer, you can prepare a smoothie with vegetable milk and chia seeds.

Indeed, chia seeds are rich in vegetable proteins.

Add a banana and a spoon of cocoa or vanilla.

To discover: 7 Reasons Why You Should Have Eggs for Breakfast.

2. Stop fruit juices and sugary drinks

Bad news!

Contrary to popular belief, fruit juices are not recommended for weight loss.

They are indeed full of sugar.

In other words, empty calories!

Fruit juices, as we have already said here, have no nutritional value for your body.

But that's not all... They actually contribute to slowing down weight loss.

And you can imagine, it's even worse for sugary drinks and sodas.

Empty calories from sugary drinks and fruit juice have no nutritional value for your body.

To discover: How Sodas DESTROY Your Body.

3. Drink water before each meal

On the other hand, water is your best friend if you want to lose weight.

When you want to lose weight, it is imperative to drink regularly.

Studies prove it.

Drinking water before a meal reduces caloric intake and helps stabilize weight.

Water is an excellent appetite suppressant.

Yes, by filling your stomach with water, you reduce the feeling of hunger.

But the best is yet to come!

Did you know that when you are hungry or thirsty, the same area of ​​the brain is activated.

As a result, the brain doesn't always tell the difference.

He may be sending you the signal:"I'm hungry".

When in fact it is the "I'm thirsty" signal that it should activate.

As a result, if you are thirsty, you are tempted to eat.

When we are dehydrated, we tend to eat more. When we should be drinking.

You might be wondering, "How do I know if I'm drinking enough?"

If any of these signs appear, you are not drinking enough.

Use this trick to make sure you're drinking enough water.

To discover: 11 Great Benefits Of Water For Your Body That You Didn't Know About!

4. Eat These Foods That Promote Weight Loss

Did you know that some foods are better than others for losing weight?

These are foods with very few calories.

You can eat as many as you want!

The good news is that the list is long and tasty :

- Celery stalk

- Oranges

- Cabbage

- Asparagus

- Beets

- Cucumber

- Lemon

- Cauliflower

- Mushrooms

- Watermelon

- Zucchini

- Tomatoes

- Grapefruit

- Brussels Sprouts

- Kale

- Turnips

- Apples

- Onions

- Carrots

- Broccoli

Click here to also discover these 15 healthy foods that help you lose weight.

To discover: The List of 43 ZERO Calorie Foods To Lose Weight EASILY.

5. Eat soluble fiber

Now let's see together the role of fibers.

Because it is widely proven by scientific studies.

Soluble fiber promotes weight loss.

Indeed, our body needs it.

Because they help lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

And they also help regulate transit.

But that's not all!

Because all these fibers regulate the speed of digestion.

And they provide a feeling of satiety.

Result, we quickly have the feeling of having eaten enough....

And for longer!

In addition, taking fiber supplements, such as glucomannan, can also help you lose weight.

To discover: The 16 Highest Fiber Foods You Should Know.

6. Drink coffee or tea

Let me tell you a little secret...

Coffee is one of the few foods known to burn fat.

And this without doing anything! You just have to drink coffee.

Not bad, right?

Indeed, the consumption of caffeine helps to stimulate the metabolic reaction.

Which allows you to burn more calories!

Don't like coffee? Don't panic... Drink some tea!

Matcha green tea also helps speed up your metabolism, just like Oolong tea.

And the best part is that there are plenty of other foods that boost your metabolism.

This is the case with ginger, papaya, cocoa nibs, wasabi peas, black pepper, ice water, vinegar, chilli...

...but also white bean extract, sage tea, Greek yogurt with lemon juice, branched chain amino acids...

To discover: 12 Good Reasons to Drink Coffee Every Day.

7. Choose unprocessed foods

Let me tell you something.

Want to lose weight fast?

So it is absolutely necessary to stop consuming processed foods.

These ready meals are full of sugar, fat and salt...

And that's not all.

Because all those processed foods and convenience foods are full of chemical ingredients with unpronounceable names.

So many good reasons to avoid them at all costs!

To help you make the right choices, here are 25 foods you should NEVER buy again.

Unprocessed foods are not only healthier, but also more filling than processed foods.

And don't worry.

It's not more expensive to make meals.

On the contrary, you will save money!

To discover: 8 Meal Ideas For Less Than €2 Per Person (Easy, Fast &Cheap).

8. Eat slowly

Over time, eating too quickly can lead to weight gain.


Because the brain doesn't have time to analyze that your body is no longer hungry.

So we eat a lot more when we eat quickly.

Conversely, eating slowly makes you feel fuller.

By taking the time to chew slowly, we will also produce more saliva.

This sends positive signals to the brain.

The feeling of satiety comes faster.

And the hormones that play an important role in weight loss are stimulated more when you eat slowly.

You know what you have to do for your next meal:

You have to chew very slowly.

To discover: 14 Habits That Make You Obese and Overweight.

9. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep is disastrous for health.

There is no doubt about this scientific fact.

And lack of sleep also increases the risk of obesity.

When we are sleepy, we tend to eat more to compensate for the lack of sleep.

We're also going to be tempted by some nocturnal snacks.

But the worst part of it all...

It is that chronic lack of sleep increases the risk of obesity.

Sleeping less than 6 hours disrupts the hormones that regulate appetite.

Poor sleep quality is one of the primary risk factors for people who gain weight.

Do not forget it ! Sleep is vital to your health and has many benefits.

So remember to get enough sleep.

To discover: The Terrifying Effects of LACK of Sleep on Your Health.


There you go, you now know all the secrets to losing weight naturally :-)

It's not that complicated, is it?

Eating unprocessed foods that are high in protein and soluble fiber and less sugar helps you lose weight easily.

And if you want to lose weight even faster...

Do you know what you have to do?

Exercise regularly! For example, you can start by building your abs.

Your turn...

Have you tested these simple tricks to lose weight permanently? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!