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Do you suffer from a bloated feeling or bloated stomach after eating? 10 Tips what you can do

Some people suffer from it occasionally, others struggle with it on a daily basis:a bloated feeling or bloated stomach after eating. Whether you belong to the first or second category, discover 10 tips now on what you can do about bloating or bloating after eating.

What is abdominal distention or bloating?

If you suffer from a swollen abdomen, your abdomen can literally be bulged or expanded by more air. In fact, gases accumulate in your abdomen, causing it to expand. These gases reside in the gastrointestinal tract and can cause not only abdominal distention, but also bubbling sounds and flatulence.

That you feel bloated after eating is because certain nutrients are broken down during digestion. Certain bacteria in the intestinal flora are required for the breakdown, which cause gas formation. Depending on what you have eaten and drunk, these 'complaints' can last for a few hours.

Do you feel bloated or bloated after eating? 10 Tips what you can do

To support your general digestion you can take a supplement, such as Gayavit Gastrosette. A natural supplement based on artichoke. A plant rich in minerals and vitamins, fiber and antioxidants. Gayavit Gastrosette not only supports complete digestion, but also helps against heartburn, nausea, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and stimulates fat digestion. A complete solution if you often suffer from a bloated stomach or bloated feeling with additional complaints.

In addition, you can apply the tips below to reduce the chance of a bloated stomach.

1. Eat smaller portions and eat slowly

Did you know that your digestion doesn't just start in your stomach, but already in your mouth? That is why it is extremely important to chew well and take your time to eat. Take smaller bites and chew well before swallowing. That way you reduce the chance of swallowing a lot of air. Too much swallowed air can cause abdominal distention.

2. Drink enough water

Drinking too little can increase the risk of constipation. And constipation (blockage) can cause abdominal distention. Do you have any complaints? Then try to drink 1 – 2 glasses of water. Make sure you drink enough during the day, preferably water.

3. Eat fiber-rich food

Fiber is essential for good digestion and good bowel movements. Fiber can be found in the aforementioned supplements, among other things, but also occur in vegetables, whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta and, for example, brown rice.

4. Avoid foods that cause gas

There are foods that cause extra gas. A well-known example of this are kidney beans (for example if you eat Chili con carne/Chili sin carne). But other foods can also cause extra gas. Think of various types of cabbage (white cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), onions, garlic, eggs and nuts.

In addition to food, it is better to avoid carbonated drinks such as soda and beer, because these can also cause extra gas. The same also applies to sugars.

5. Move enough

Many people have office jobs and sit at their desks all day. However, that is disastrous for good digestion. Make sure you exercise for at least 30 minutes every day. It even helps if you work standing up every now and then. Or get up just a little more often to take a short walk, even if it's just inside the office.

6. Limit stress

Stress has a major impact on our lives:from lack of sleep to poor digestion. Stress can quickly hit your stomach and intestines, causing problems in the form of heartburn and poor digestion. It is therefore important to relax well, especially while eating. As a result, you chew better, eat smaller portions and the chance that you swallow extra air is also a lot smaller.

7. Caffeine as the culprit of bloating

Caffeine in coffee, but also in energy drinks, causes your body to expel moisture. This can cause a fluid deficiency, which can cause your intestines to become clogged. This in turn causes a bloated feeling or a distended abdomen. Do you often suffer from this? Then try to limit the amounts of caffeine.

8. Alcohol causes abdominal distention

You don't just have to be careful with caffeine, that also applies to alcohol. Like caffeine, alcohol also has a diuretic effect, increasing the risk of constipation. In addition, alcohol is toxic to certain intestinal bacteria and your intestinal wall. Do you often suffer from a bloated stomach? Then try omitting that glass of alcohol.

9. Quit smoking

Everyone knows that smoking is bad for your health. But did you know that it can also cause bloating? That's because smoking makes you swallow air every time. And swallowed air has to get out too.

10. Go for a walk

Despite everything, do you still suffer from a bloated stomach or a bloated feeling after eating? Then don't sit still, but get up and take a short walk. By moving, the gas can escape more easily and you have less chance of a (painfully) swollen stomach.

When to go to the doctor with bloating?

Don't all the above tips help? And do you also suffer from nausea, diarrhea and abdominal pain? Then it is good to visit the doctor. A bloated stomach after eating can also be a sign that you suffer from gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance or irritable bowel syndrome. With a few simple tests from the doctor or an elimination diet from the dietician, you can see if there are certain foods that your body responds to.

As you can see, there are many things you can do to prevent abdominal distention or bloating after eating. For many people this can make a world of difference, making you feel good about yourself again. Do you want to know more about your digestion and digestive problems? Download the free Gayavit e-book here.