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Week Against Loneliness 2017

From today until October 1, it is Week against Loneliness. Under the motto 'Come with it!', civil society organisations, social work, care institutions, but also volunteers and active citizens throughout the country show what they are doing against loneliness. Because more than a million Dutch people feel very lonely.

Loneliness and social isolation are more than ever in the spotlight. More and more is known about the negative influence that loneliness can have on the well-being and health of people. Loneliness poses health risks, can lead to less participation in society and increases the risk of premature death. People who feel very lonely are less happy and more often have a negative image of people and/or self than people who do not suffer from loneliness. That makes the fight against loneliness urgent and important.

During the Week against Loneliness, social organisations, social work, care institutions, but also volunteers and active citizens organize hundreds of local activities where people with a small social network can make new contacts and strengthen existing contacts. Schoolchildren visit nursing homes, the elderly play walking football or a golden dance, neighborhood centers set a lunch table for local residents. In addition, conferences are held where policymakers and professionals from sectors such as welfare, care and housing exchange knowledge and shape cooperation. In 38 workshops, volunteers are given tools to signal loneliness and start a conversation.