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Home remedies for hay fever and allergies

Suffering from allergies or hay fever? Don't know what to do with hay fever? These are the best home remedies for hay fever and allergies.

What is hay fever?

Before looking at what you can do against hay fever and which home remedies help with hay fever, first a brief explanation of what hay fever is. UMC Utrecht describes hay fever as follows:'Hay fever is an allergy to pollen from flowering trees or plants. We also call hay fever a pollen allergy, because the pollen grains (pollen) cause the allergy.'

Hay fever symptoms

Do you suspect that you have hay fever? Then check the symptoms below that belong to pollen allergy:

  • Itching
  • Sneeze
  • Runny nose and/or stuffy nose
  • Eyes are burning, tearing, itching
  • Cough and sore throat
  • Tired
  • Stuffy
  • Flush feeling

When is the hay fever season?

That actually varies from year to year. It is often the worst in the spring months of May and June and early summer of July, because this is the flowering period. However, many people also experience complaints from January/February to September. This is because trees sprout early in the year, grasses grow and weeds remain until late autumn) and trigger a pollen allergy.

Home remedies for hay fever and allergies

Depending on the burden you have, you can use different home remedies against hay fever and allergies.

1. Nasal shower with salt water solution

A very proven and popular remedy is rinsing the nose with salt water. You can use a Rhino Horn for this. Rinsing the nose removes pollen and excess mucus from the nose. This removes the allergens and allows you to limit and reduce the allergic reaction.

2. Seawater nasal spray

Do you find the use of a nasal douche but nothing? Then choose the easier version and use seawater nasal spray. The result is slightly less, but in any case better than using nothing.

3. Honey as natural antihistamines

An antihistamine is a drug used to suppress an allergic reaction. Want to naturally suppress pollen reactions? Then you can consider using honey. To make your body more resistant to pollen, you should take a spoonful of local every day! Eat honey. This allows your body to become accustomed to pollen from the immediate environment in a natural way. This leads to less violent reactions.

4. Herbs and foods against hay fever

Various herbs can be found in nature that can be used successfully in hay fever. These include spirulina, eyebright (Euphrasia) and Canadian turmeric. Swiss studies have shown that butterbur is as effective as regular pharmaceutical antihistamines.

Are you not fond of all kinds of herbs and plants? Do you love pineapple yourself? Then you could add that to your diet. Because pineapple also has healing properties. Pineapple brings relief when there is swelling in your nose and makes breathing easier.

5. Inhale against blocked sinuses

Do you suffer from a stuffy nose and/or blocked sinuses? Then you can simply inhale hot water vapor. You don't need to add anything to this and all you need is a large bowl and a towel. Pour hot (NOT boiling!) water into the bowl. Hang your head over it and place a towel over your head and the bowl. Inhale the released vapors deeply. You will notice that you dissolve the mucus in the nose and you can breathe easier and more freely.

6. Eucalytpus Essential Oil

Whether or not you're a fan of essential oils, eucalyptus is a must if you suffer from hay fever. You can use the oil with a diffuser, in your bowl of water to inhale (as described above) or put a few drops on the shower floor before taking a nice hot shower.

The essential oil ensures that your paranasal sinuses open and at the same time has an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it ensures the removal of (excess) mucus.

Reading tip: 100 ways to use essential oil

7. Spicy food

It may sound very strange, but if you suffer from dry eyes and itching, you can eat spicy. Products such as chili pepper, wasabi, dijon mustard, fresh garlic and horseradish help reduce swelling. They open the sinuses and make your eyes moist. It is a short-term relief, but if you have serious problems you can at least try this home remedy for hay fever.

8. Tea as a skin remedy for pollen allergies

You can use not only herbs and foods, but various teas are also perfectly suitable for people who suffer from pollen allergies. The effect is about the same as with inhalation and depends on the type of tea you use. By the way, avoid drinking chamomile tea:it can actually make an allergic reaction worse.

Peppermint tea :makes swollen mucous membranes shrink and is expectorant

Green tea :reduces allergic reactions because it is antioxidant

What to do with hay fever?

In addition to the above home remedies, you can use the following to limit the allergic reaction to pollen:

  • Immediate hot shower when you get home
  • Do not dry outside
  • Wear (sun)glasses
  • Keep your windows and doors closed as much as possible
  • Before going to sleep:comb hair and wash face
  • Keep pets clean, because they can also carry pollen
  • Holiday? You prefer to spend it by the sea or in the mountains

Hay fever home remedies

So you can do different things against hay fever. Using home remedies is one of them. Which product suits you is very personal. Preferably also combine the home remedies with what to do in case of hay fever. So leave your windows and doors closed, shower as soon as you get home and don't forget your four-legged friend1