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What is the Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Arthritis?

What is the Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Arthritis?

Arthrosis or arthritis? We explain the difference between these 2 conditions.

It's true that we tend to confuse them both.

Normal since they belong to the same family of diseases:rheumatism.

And in addition, the pain is often located in the same places:

The joints of the hand, elbow, fingers, knee, ankle, foot...

But they are indeed two different diseases.

We explain the differences to never confuse osteoarthritis and arthritis again . Watch:

What is the Difference Between Osteoarthritis and Arthritis?


Obviously, in both cases it is about pain in the joints.

But these pains manifest themselves differently depending on the pathology.


- Pain usually occurs at rest, especially at night.

- They are characterized by a warm sensation on the painful joints.

- There is sometimes swelling or redness on the joint.


- In general, pain occurs during physical activity.

- They decrease most often at rest.

- The joint deforms.

- But the joint is not swollen.

- There is no feeling of heat. It is said to be a cold deformation.


Although they both belong to the rheumatism family, the causes of these conditions are different.


In the case of arthritis, there is inflammation of the joints.

This inflammation is the source of secretions that attack the joint and destroy it little by little.

Hereditary factors can favor this problem.

The origin of this inflammation can also be infectious in the case of septic arthritis.

It can also be metabolic in the case of gout.

Similarly, an immune (rheumatoid arthritis) or chemical imbalance may be responsible.

Arthritis can occur at any age. There is even talk of juvenile arthritis.

But it is often around the age of 50 that it manifests itself.


In the case of osteoarthritis, we speak of a mechanical condition.

This means that the cartilage in the joints is worn down. It gets damaged and ends up disappearing little by little.

As a result, the joints then rub against each other, resulting in severe pain when you are moving.

The main cause of osteoarthritis is aging. But the elderly are not the only ones affected by this problem.

Unfortunately, some young patients also suffer from osteoarthritis.

One in three patients is under 40.

Intense sports practice or repeated trauma to the joints due to sports can be the cause.

Another aggravating factor:being overweight and a fortiori obesity can promote osteoarthritis.

Indeed, too much weight gain can wear out the joints and weaken them.

Just like the practice of certain professions that also accelerate the onset of osteoarthritis.

This is particularly the case when the joints (elbow, wrists and fingers...) are very stressed.


Although in both cases the joints hurt, the mechanism that triggers the pain is also different.


The inside of the joint is covered with a membrane:the synovial membrane.

It produces a liquid, the synovial fluid, which serves as a lubricant for the membrane. This is where the inflammation takes place.

This inflammation causes the membrane to produce too much synovial fluid. As a result, the membrane swells.

Enzymes are released. And they are the ones that destroy the cartilage and sometimes even attack the bone and the tendons.


Cartilage is a kind of shock absorber that allows good mobility to the joint.

In the case of osteoarthritis, the cartilage is damaged. As we have seen, the reasons are either mechanical or genetic.

But the consequence is the same:it no longer protects the joints.

At the slightest movement, they then rub against each other.

Inevitably, the pain then occurs.

They can also be accompanied by stiffness and deformation of the bone.


Before offering you a treatment, your doctor will carry out a clinical examination.

He will also prescribe a blood test to determine precisely if you suffer from arthritis or osteoarthritis.


The treatment will be adapted according to the cause of the arthritis.

In case of infection, treatment with antibiotics is recommended.

The doctor prescribes biotherapies for arthritis triggered by an immune problem.

And management of the biological problem in case of arthritis related to metabolic disorders will be considered.

But be aware that natural treatments can also relieve you.

They are based in particular on diet to relieve and limit arthritis attacks.

Find out here which foods to avoid and what to eat instead to prevent joint inflammation.

This ginger-based drink is also an excellent anti-inflammatory. It relieves pain naturally.

Another anti-inflammatory drink:green tea. Turmeric, acai berry can also limit or even avoid crises.

Why ? Because they are super foods with anti-inflammatory properties.

A massage of the painful joints with alcohol at 70°, coconut oil will also quickly relieve the pain.

Also try castor oil, monkey balm, oregano essential oil, or frankincense essential oil

Another grandmother's remedy to relieve joint pain:apple cider vinegar. Find out how here.


In the case of osteoarthritis, we will try to play on the causes of joint wear.

In particular, it promotes weight loss or a gentler sport, such as walking.

If the wear of the joint is the consequence of an anatomical anomaly, then an operation is essential.

When osteoarthritis is installed, taking analgesics, anti-inflammatories and anti-osteoarthritis may be necessary.

We will also perform hyaluronic acid infiltrations to strengthen the cartilage. As a last resort, a prosthesis is considered.

But here toonatural treatments can help you.

Thus, a cure of magnesium chloride can do you a lot of good. Magnesium chloride has a reputation for strengthening bones and joints.

You can also choose one of these 6 home remedies for pain relief.

Your turn...

Have you understood the differences between osteoarthritis and arthritis? Let us know in the comments if it's clear to you. We can't wait to read you!