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Signs You Need to Lose Weight

Sometimes weight gain can happen slowly without you noticing. Or you just don't want to think about it. Maybe you're telling yourself you'll eat healthy tomorrow or exercise next week. And then it happens:you wake up one day and you barely recognize your reflection in the mirror. Here are ten signs you need to lose weight.

Your clothes are tight Every day when you take a different piece of clothing out of the closet to put on, you notice more and more that it is a bit tighter. If a large part of your clothing no longer fits, you know how far it is.

You have no energy If you feel constantly lethargic and tired, it could be a sign that you need to lose weight, especially if you've never had energy problems before. Of course there are many other causes for a sudden drop in your zest for life (such as depression), but this can be a clear sign.

You avoid mirrors
If you don't feel good about how you look, this is a sign that you need to lose weight. You may be your own worst critic, but sometimes you have to trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice.

Your joints hurt
If your knees, hips and back hurt, it could be due to that extra weight you're carrying around. Excess weight puts pressure on the joints and can wear down the tissue around them, making joints and movement uncomfortable.

You can't see your feet
Look at your feet as you stand up straight. Can you see them? If your stomach is making it hard to see your feet, you need to lose some weight. An increased waistline is unhealthy, but when it gets to the point where you can't see your toes without bending, weight loss should be something to consider.

You make excuses
People are good at making excuses to avoid reality and fears. If you spend a lot of energy explaining to yourself or others why you're overweight, why you don't exercise or don't like healthy food, your excuses can be a sign that it's time to change.

You are out of breath when you walk up the stairs
If you are walking up stairs or doing daily activities and you are out of breath, it could be due to weight gain. Breathing capacity decreases as you gain weight. Breathlessness can be associated with inactivity, a sign that your heart and lungs aren't getting the workout they need to function optimally.

You gain several kilos per year Are you steadily building up a few extra kilos per year? If your weight only goes up and never goes down, it's time to lose weight.

You just know All these signs you need to lose weight pale in comparison to what your body is telling you. Listen to yourself… again, your inner voice may be trying to tell you something you just don't want to hear. Yes, it can be hard to admit you've gained weight, but taking stock of where you are today and deciding to lose weight can reduce a lot of stress and mental baggage you didn't even know you had. /P>

Your doctor says so If your doctor mentions your weight as a health problem, it's definitely a sign that you need to lose weight. Being overweight can lead to serious chronic health problems, such as diabetes, cholesterol, heart disease and more. If your doctor thinks you are at one of these risks, listen to him or her and ask for help if necessary.