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Always tired ? 10 things to change now in your life.

Always tired ? 10 things to change now in your life.

At night you sleep well. And yet in the morning, when you wake up, you feel like you haven't slept all night.

Do you know that certain bad habits can explain this permanent fatigue?

This may be the time to take stock of these habits that should be changed to stop being tired.

Here are the 10 things to change now in your life to stop being tired:

Always tired ? 10 things to change now in your life.

1. You don't exercise enough

Tired, you no longer go through jogging or yoga before collapsing on your sofa. Bad idea!

Indeed, sport and physical activity in general improve the quality of your sleep by regulating our internal biological clock.

Consequences:if you stop exercising, you will sleep less well and therefore… you will be even more tired. Remember that when you exercise, you produce endomorphins that help you relax. And in addition, physical activity allows you to be full of energy.

To discover: Plank Exercise:The 7 Incredible Benefits For Your Body.

2. You eat poorly

Overwhelmed by work, your lunch breaks boil down to sandwiches swallowed quickly in front of the screen or between two appointments. If you feel flat, that's normal.

To be in shape, not only must you have a healthy lifestyle, but you must also eat a balanced diet. To be on top, bet on foods and nutrients rich in magnesium and fiber that will help you keep your spirits up.

Eat fruits and whole grains for breakfast, fatty fish full of omega-3s and vegetables for lunch. At dinner, prefer a light but satisfying meal. You will avoid the small hollow of the end of the evening and your digestion will be facilitated. Slow sugars with starches or pasta and whole grains, proteins thanks to white meat will do the trick.

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3. You are not drinking enough water

Drinking regularly throughout the day is a simple and effective action to fight against fatigue. You should drink at least ten glasses of water a day.

It is considered that the body loses one and a half liters of water daily. If we do not compensate for the loss, we become dehydrated from the inside, our muscles contract more easily and cellular exchanges are less effective, which tires the body.

To discover: 11 Great Benefits Of Water For Your Body That You Didn't Know About.

4. You lack vitamin D

IF you are tired, you may be lacking in vitamin D. This vitamin is present in the body, but it is only effective with the action of the sun.

This vitamin is very important, because it is what strengthens our immune system and keeps us in shape.

Remember:the biological rhythm is influenced by natural light, so it is normal to be very tired in autumn and winter. To fill up on vitamin D, eat fatty fish such as sardines, mackerel, tuna...

5. You lack iron or magnesium

If you lack iron, you will lack energy. It's automatic ! The question that arises is why you lack iron?

Overconsumption of tea, for example, can block the absorption of iron. But also an ulcer or a digestive problem that can lead to bleeding and therefore a deficiency.

Finally, women who wear a copper IUD and suffer from heavy periods may also lack iron.

An iron deficiency will be the cause of greater fatigue, but in addition it can disrupt our nights. A lack of iron will lead to what is known as "restless leg syndrome" which will lead to poor sleep and micro-awakenings.

But a lack of magnesium can also be the cause of your fatigue. Did you know that magnesium ensures good neuromuscular exchange?

If you are tense, irritable, anxious, stressed, you may be lacking in magnesium. This is a great excuse to eat (dark) chocolate, but also white beans, lentils, broad beans and oilseeds.

To discover: Lentil Soup, a Really Inexpensive Gourmet Recipe.

6. You are overworked

Despite a good night's sleep, getting up seems like an insurmountable effort? Are you unable to cope with your tasks at work? Be careful, you are on the verge of burnout!

Burnout is characterized by a drop in both physical and cerebral energy. You have to mobilize a lot of resources to perform the same tasks as others.

To cope with burnout, sleep is not enough. You have to go green for a long time:calm and rest will help you take a step back and recover.

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7. You are surrounded by bad people

If your colleagues are constantly in a bad mood and spend their time bitching, it's time to put some distance between you and them.

Why ? Quite simply because the brain contains "mirror neurons" that make us feel good when we are around someone who is in good shape and mope when the environment is bad. In short, do not let yourself be contaminated by the depression of others!

To discover: 8 Things Happy People Do Differently.

8. You have bad bedding

Paradoxically, your bed may be the cause of your fatigue! If your mattress is more than 10 years old, it must be changed.

Bad bedding does not necessarily lead to pain, but to broken sleep and awakenings, which creates drowsiness during the day. It's up to you to choose the ideal mattress according to your preferences!

To discover: 4 Essential Grandma Tricks for Sleeping Like a Baby.

9. You lack light

If in addition to being tired, you are sad, you may be the victim of a little seasonal depression. The body blames the lack of light after a long autumn and a long winter.

Fortunately, spring is here:natural UV rays boost our production of endorphins, which we call the happiness hormone. Take advantage of the first rays of sunshine or take a light therapy treatment!

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10. You drink a little too much alcohol

Even if you enjoy a drink with friends or after work, know that alcohol is not your friend! At first you have the feeling that it helps you sleep, but in the end it affects your sleep.

The quality of our sleep naturally deteriorates with age and the older we get, the more susceptible we are to the effects of alcohol. In addition, if alcohol helps sleep at first, it lightens and splits sleep afterwards.