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8 Things EVERYONE Should Do Before 8 a.m.

8 Things EVERYONE Should Do Before 8 a.m.

We are all very busy in our daily lives.

Sometimes it feels like we'll never achieve our dreams .

And when you work full time and have children, it's even more difficult!

So how do we move forward?

aThe answer is simple:you have to consciously take time every day of the week to improve your life.

8 Things EVERYONE Should Do Before 8 a.m.

Otherwise, this time will undoubtedly be consumed by our increasingly busy and stressful lives . And before we even realize it, it will already be too late. We'll be old, wrinkled — the kind of person looking for lost time.

Take inspiration from these words of Pierre Dac:“The seed of yesterday is the flesh of tomorrow. »

Rethink your life to get out of "survival" mode

The purpose of this article is to encourage you to completely rethink the way you live. The goal is to simplify your life to get back to the basics of life.

Indeed, most people complicate the life. It's as if their lives are defined by trivial and non-essential concerns.

These people are so preoccupied with the trivial things in life that they don't have time to build meaningful things , things that really bring meaning to our existence.

As a result, these people are permanently in “survival” mode . And you, are you also in survival mode?

It's the character of Bilbo, in the Lord of the rings, which best sums up this feeling of survival:"I'm like butter spread on too big a slice of bread...". And besides, this sandwich is not even ours, but someone else's!

Few take the time to take charge of their lives .

Until recently, living on the terms imposed by others was not out of the ordinary. And sadly, many of us, even millennials, choose to perpetuate this worldview.

Is it really surprising? After all, it's the only view of the world we've been taught...

However, more and more people are choosing to see life differently . For them, it is now possible to live every second of your life on your own conditions, on your own terms . Of course, this requires a lot of effort and willpower, but it is totally possible.

Remember that you are the master of your own destiny , and no one else!

You are solely responsible for your life.

YOU have the privilege of making the decisions. Moreover, it is imperative to make these decisions. Why ? Because if you don't do it, someone else will! Being indecisive is in itself a bad decision.

But do not worry ! By following this simple routine every morning, your life will quickly move in the right direction.

This list may seem long. But in fact, it's really very simple:

- Wake up

- Have clear ideas

- Get moving

- Eat healthy foods for your body

- Get ready for your day

- Get Educated

- Read your life goals

- Take a step towards your long-term goals

Ready ? Come on, let's go!

1. Sleep at least 7 hours for a restful sleep

Let's be honest. Sleeping is just as important as eating and drinking water. Despite this, millions of people do not get enough sleep. And as a result, these people suffer from multiple problems related to lack of sleep.

According to a survey by the INSV (National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance), 1 in 3 people suffer from sleep disorders, i.e. more than 23 million people. In total, it is 36% of French people who sleep less than 7 hours a night .

The repercussions on our health are significant. Insufficient sleep can cause drowsiness during the day at work.

The result:reduced physical and psychological state, metabolic disturbances and, of course, even more sleep disturbances.

Conversely, the benefits of a good night's sleep are numerous :

- Better memory

- Longer life expectancy

- Reduced inflammation

- Increased creativity

- Better ability to concentrate

- A decrease in fat and an increase in muscle mass if you practice sport at the same time

- Reduced stress levels

- Reduced dependence on stimulants, such as coffee

- A reduction in the risk of road accidents:1 accident on the motorway out of 3 is linked to drowsiness

- A reduced risk of depression

- and many more… (I encourage you to do a Google search.)

Of all the tips on this list, sleep is by far the most important . What's the point of waking up at 5 a.m. if you only went to bed 3 hours before?

Without a good night's sleep, you won't last long. Certainly, you can use stimulants, such as coffee, to compensate for your lack of sleep.

But this operation is not viable. In the long run, your health will suffer. And the goal is to enjoy life to the fullest and as long as possible !

To discover: 5 Tips For A Good Night's Sleep.

2. Meditate or pray for clarity

After a good night's regenerative sleep, it is essential to direct your energy to positive thoughts. A great way to do this is meditation or the prayer . Indeed, being able to focus on things is essential for them to blossom fully.

It is through meditation and prayer that one feels deep gratitude for all the positive things in our lives.

And being grateful also means having an abundance mentality.

What is it to have an abundance mentality? It is to think that all the resources that are present on this earth are sufficient for every human being.

Even better:the abundance mentality makes it easy to accept that everyone can achieve their dreams without conflict or unsatisfactory compromise. The abundance mentality makes it possible to believe that everyone can be a winner and to act in this direction.

With an abundance mentality, the whole world is at your fingertips. The opportunities and possibilities become endless for you.

Remember that people are like magnets. When you are grateful for the positive things in your life, you will attract even more positive things. Knowing how to be grateful is contagious .

Recognition is undoubtedly one of the most important elements for success. Gratitude is the mother of all virtues.

Once you can lay a foundation of clarity of mind and recognition, you will attract the best the world has to offer, without being distracted by the trivial and non-essential things in life.

To discover: Meditation:The 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits to Your Brain.

3. Practice daily physical activity

Despite all the scientific studies that show that sport is good for our health, our level of physical activity remains insufficient.

The figures are alarming. According to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, less than half of French people aged 15 to 75 (42.5%) have a sufficient level of physical activity.

If you want to be part of healthy, happy and productive people, it is therefore essential to get into the habit of exercise regularly . Many people go to the gym as soon as they wake up to get their bodies moving.

But it's not just sport for physical activity. For example, I have found that gardening in the early morning fills me with inspiration and clears my mind.

Whatever your physical activity preference, the key is to move .

Regular physical activity reduces the risk of depression, anxiety and stress. Yes, playing sports also increases your chances of success in your professional career.

If you don't take care of your body, all other aspects of your life will suffer.

To discover: Don't Like Doing Abs? 6 Simple Exercises To Do For Beginners.

4. Consume 30g of protein

According to Professor Donald Layman, nutrition specialist at the University of Illinois in the United States, a breakfast should contain at least 30 g of protein.

Similarly, in his best-selling book 4 Hours a Week for a Great Body , entrepreneur Tim Feriss recommends eating 30g of protein within 30 minutes of waking up . Thanks to this method, Tim's father lost more than 8 kg in just 1 month.

But why does it work? This is thanks to the satiating effect of protein-rich foods.

Indeed, foods with a high protein content take longer to digest. Therefore, when you eat protein-rich foods, you feel like you've had enough.

In addition, proteins regulate the level of blood sugar in our body , which also helps to avoid peaks of hunger .

Finally, consuming protein also reduces our desire for foods rich in refined carbohydrates (found in abundance in bread, pastries, donuts, etc.). However, it is precisely these types of foods that contribute to weight gain.

Here are 4 tips from Tim Ferris to help you get enough protein every morning:

. Make sure that at least 40% of your breakfast is high in protein.

. A very simple way to achieve this is to eat 2-3 eggs every morning (one egg contains about 6g of protein).

. Don't like eggs? You can replace them with turkey bacon, organic pork bacon, sausages or cottage cheese.

. Or, you can eat high-protein foods, like these high-protein homemade snacks.

And for people who avoid dairy, meat and eggs, there are many plants that are naturally high in protein.

For example, legumes (soya, peanuts, beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, broad beans), green vegetables, nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc.) and seeds (sunflower seeds, pumpkin, etc.) are all high protein foods.

To discover: 7 Reasons Why You Should Have Eggs for Breakfast.

5. Take a cold shower

Tony Robbins, author of several best-selling books in the field of personal development, starts each day by jumping into a swimming pool at low temperature (14°C).

But why would a sane person choose to do that?!

It's simple. Immersing your body in cold water facilitates your physical and mental well-being.

Using this technique regularly has a positive and lasting effect on your body, causing changes that can improve your quality of life.

Indeed, cold showers improve the functioning of the immune system, the lymphatic system, blood circulation and the digestive system. In addition, cold showers facilitate weight loss, as they speed up and stimulate your metabolism.

And according to this study, taking a cold shower regularly can also treat the symptoms of depression . Often, they are even more effective than synthetic antidepressant drugs.

If cold showers work so well in the treatment of depression, it is because they naturally stimulate the production of neurochemicals related to mood disorders.

Admittedly, getting into a cold shower is not easy, because first you have to be able to overcome your reluctance. If you've ever tried it, you know what it's like to stand in front of a cold shower, the time to convince yourself psychologically.

Maybe at the last moment you convinced yourself that it was better to put it off another day and take a hot shower as usual?

Or maybe you took action, but immediately turned on the hot water tap? :-)

What has helped me take cold showers is thinking of the shower like it's a swimming pool . Everyone knows that when the water in the pool is cold, it's agony to slide into the water slowly!

The best thing is to jump in the water . And in just 20 seconds, your body gets used to the water temperature. It's the same for a cold shower. You get under it and your heart starts beating very hard. But after 20 seconds you got used to it.

For me, cold showers increase my willpower and stimulate my creativity and inspiration. When I'm in a cold shower and I feel the water running down my back, I practice breathing slowly and controlling my body.

Once relaxed, I feel super happy and inspired. Lots of ideas are starting to fly in my mind and I feel particularly motivated to achieve all my goals .

Above all, it is important to learn how to overcome your fears in the morning. Confronting and mastering your fears is an empowering experience.

You will be overwhelmed with a deep sense of being alive — which will help you live outside your comfort zone! :-)

To discover: 11 Great Benefits Of Water For Your Body That You Didn't Know About!

6. Listen to an audiobook or read an intoxicating book

Ordinary people are looking for entertainment. But extraordinary people are looking for learning .

They want to educate themselves, to learn new things. Successful people read at least one book a week. They are constantly learning.

And it's easy . I can easily listen to an audiobook a week on my daily commute between home and work.

Taking 15-30 minutes each morning to read books that motivate, energize, and educate you has the power to empower you. These little reads will help you find the mindset you need to be as productive as possible in your daily life.

There is a lot to be gained with this method. In the long run, you will have read hundreds of books. You will know a lot of things, on a lot of different subjects. You will be able to make the connection between different subjects more easily. You will thus have another way of perceiving and interpreting the world.

To discover: The 10 Benefits of Reading:Why You Should Read Every Day.

7. Read your life goals every morning

Write down your medium and long term goals on a piece of paper. Every morning, take this piece of paper and read it. These few minutes of thinking about your life goals help put things in perspective for your day ahead.

By reading your long-term life goals every morning, you will think about them every day. And if you think about them every day and spend every day implementing them, I guarantee you will achieve them.

Achieving goals is a science . It is a methodical undertaking, devoid of any confusion or ambiguity. If you apply this formula to your own life, you can achieve all of your goals, no matter how difficult.

So don't forget:one of the fundamental aspects to achieving your goals is taking the time to write them down on a sheet of paper and reread them every morning.

To discover: Here's Why You Should Take Notes By Hand (Not On Computer).

8. Do at least one thing that helps achieve your long-term goals

The will is like a muscle. And when a muscle is underused, it weakens. Likewise, our ability to make good decisions diminishes over time. The more decisions we make during the day, the more their quality suffers — and the more our willpower diminishes!

Therefore, it is in the morning that you have to make your most difficult decisions , the most important decisions.

Because if you don't make those decisions first thing in the morning, you basically know you never will. . At the end of your day, you will be too tired, exhausted. You will find hundreds of excuses to postpone your decisions.

And of course, putting off your decisions for tomorrow probably means putting them off forever…

Here is your new watchword: always start with the most important . Do one of those important things that you keep putting off. And the next morning, do it again! :-)

It is by taking a step towards your long-term goals, every day, that you will truly understand that your goals are within reach .


After doing this, you will have already done the most important things of your day. You will be in a good position to achieve your goals. And above all, you will get a little closer every day to your dreams and ambitions .

And by following this method, you will be even more open to life . You will be more productive at work. You will be even more present in your relationship. You will be happier. You will have more self-confidence. You will show more courage, more audacity. You will have a clearer outlook on life.

And in no time, your life will change for the better .

By practicing this method every morning, you will quickly spot the things that are incompatible with your life and with what you aspire to.

All the things that are holding you back are coming to an end. They will disappear forever from your existence. Pretty soon, you'll be focusing on the work you're really passionate about.

Your relationships and friendships will be filled with meaning. They will be passionate, deep and engaging!

You will discover freedom and the abundance mentality .

And the whole world will welcome you with open arms and with the best it has to offer!