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The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Morning:a defining moment of the day.

What you do when you wake up can determine whether you're going to have a good day — or whether it's going to be a disaster.

How do you know you're on the right track when you wake up?

Discover the 10 morning rituals that will guarantee that you will have a good day.

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

(And as a bonus, we also added the 4 things you must avoid doing at all costs if you don't want to waste your day!)

1. Drink a glass of hot lemon water

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Drinking a glass of hot lemon water as soon as you get up is a great way to invigorate your body.

It's a bit like oiling the mechanics:the lemon water will "lubricate" all the different systems of the body.

Why ? Because when we ingest something as soon as we get up, it's a shock to our body. That's why it's important to heat lemon water before drinking it:the heat reduces this shock.

The lemon will prepare the digestive tract for the meals of the day. In addition, it improves the taste of hot water (which has no real taste).

If the lemon water is too acidic for you, you can sweeten it by adding a little honey.

The rehydration process

After a night's sleep, we just went about 8 hours without drinking water. That's why it's important to rehydrate as quickly as possible.

It is essential to avoid starting your day by neglecting to drink water.

For example, it is important not to start your day with breakfast and drinks other than water.

Remember, your body's most important need is water.

To learn more about lemon water, click here to discover our article.

2. Get up a little earlier

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

This little trick is really important:if you want to start the day with a great morning, you are bound to have to add more time to your current routine.

Are you a night owl who likes to enjoy the tranquility of the night? No problem:know that you will find this same serenity early in the morning.

It's just about changing your personal habits:postpone what you do late at night and do it early in the morning.

What good would you say? Trust me:your body will thank you for this change.

The perfect time to wake up

In principle, you have to respect your biological clock. If possible, the ideal is to wake up at the end of your sleep cycle.

A good cue to wake up to is what is known as the civil twilight :the period when the center of the sun is less than 6° below the horizon line.

At this time, which is between night and day, you can hear the birds chirping and you can appreciate the beauty of the sunrise.

But since the time of civil twilight varies depending on the season, it is not a universal reference.

Therefore, our advice is to allow 1.5 hours between waking up and leaving the house.

3. Brush your tongue

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Imagine that taking the time to brush your tongue every morning is a little thing that you quickly become addicted to!

On the one hand, brushing your tongue is an effective way to combat morning bad breath.

But this good habit also promotes the process of rejuvenation. Brushing your tongue every morning eases the transition from sleep to wakefulness.

And as a bonus, you can enjoy your meals better! Indeed, food has more flavor after having removed the film on your tongue (a simple brushing of the teeth does not remove this film)!

And what is the best tool for brushing your tongue:it's called a tongue scraper .

Where can I find a good tongue scraper?

Did you know that most modern toothbrushes have a tongue scraper on the other side? Yes, that's what this thing is for!

You can also find other models of tongue scrapers in pharmacies.

There are models that look more like a scraper.

These models with bristles are specially designed to fit into the cavities of the tongue:you can buy them online here.

There is also a metal model, more classic, in the shape of a U:you can buy it online here.

4. Do a stretching session

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Here are some great stretches you can do in just 5 minutes every morning:A Gentle Session to Calm Lower Back Pain.

These exercises “wake up” your muscles and prepare them for the day ahead.

But be careful:you must always adapt an exercise to your own physical abilities! Take the time to do some research to find the stretches that are right for you.

This time can also be used to do yoga, or sports (the morning is an ideal time to lose weight).

On the other hand, if you do not exercise often, we advise you to start with stretching sessions. Do these stretches every morning, until it becomes a routine.

Once you feel able to go further, you can progress to yoga or other exercises.

How long should you stretch?

In the beginning, it doesn't matter how long you stretch — the key is to get started.

If you only have a few minutes to devote to your morning sessions, stretch as long as possible.

You'll quickly notice that it's a little thing that you easily get used to!

Over time, you'll be stretching longer and longer — without feeling the need to set yourself a set amount of time.

5. Jump 100 times on a trampoline

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Yes, yes:you read correctly, a trampoline :-)

Doing jumps on a mini-trampoline is the perfect exercise to start the day.

The trampoline is suitable for all fitness levels. In addition, it is a gentle activity for the joints, bones, and muscles.

And, contrary to popular belief, you don't need to make Olympic leaps for it to be a beneficial activity.

Just skip a little:this stimulates the circulation and the drainage of the lymph nodes. In addition, it gives a good boost to the thyroid.

As a bonus, you can repeat this exercise several times a day.

It has the same effect as a pick-me-up — except it's 100% natural and healthy! It really is a great way to energize without resorting to coffee or Red Bull (which are loaded with sugar and caffeine).

Strengthen the body

During the first jumps on a trampoline, we are rather flexible.

But after the 100th jump, the muscles are toned (in a good way).

Normal, because it is an exercise that works all the muscles of the body (legs, abdominals, upper limbs, etc.). It's really a great little thing to start your day off right, stimulate your body and feel good about yourself!

Where can I find a trampoline?

Have you been convinced? :-)

You can find a mini-trampoline in sports stores (Decathlon, Intersport, etc.).

You can also buy it online here.

6. Dry brushing

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Dry brushing the skin is an ancient practice in Ayurvedic medicine. It improves circulation and eliminates dead skin (skin regenerates every 24 hours).

As the name suggests, brushing is done on dry skin — before taking a shower.

We begin with the extremities of the body and work our way inward — ending with the heart. Once brushing is finished, you can take your shower.

Dry brushing cleanses the skin and makes it clearer. You immediately notice the difference once dry. Then, apply moisturizer after your shower to preserve the flexibility of brushing.

What kind of brush should I use?

Choose an exfoliating brush, but not too harsh (the experience is meant to be pleasant, not torturous).

The vegetable sponge, designed to erase and exfoliate the skin, works perfectly. You can find this sponge in organic stores (it is also called "loofah" or "loufa"). You can also buy it online here.

The brush you choose should not be too gentle on the skin, as it will not have an exfoliating effect. If you choose a softer brush anyway, apply more pressure to achieve the desired effect.

7. Listen to an audiobook or uplifting music

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Here's a great little tip to start your day off right and set you on the path to success.

Listen to music that you find beautiful. Or, an audio book — a book that particularly motivates and inspires you.

This method gives you a beautiful outlook every morning. And it sets up exactly the mindset you need to start the day.

Try to choose music suitable for the day you want to have. For example, put on some energizing music for a particularly busy day. Instead, choose upbeat and uplifting music for a difficult day ahead.

The mind has a fierce appetite. He devours all the information given to him. Just as you feed your body, you must not forget to feed your mind with information that will increase its capabilities. Audiobooks are a perfect way to feed the mind.

Choose the right type of music

Whether you're listening to an album or an audiobook, it helps you start your day off right.

However, choose your songs carefully:it is almost certain that they will stay in your head. You can quickly find yourself humming the same tune all day long. If that's the kind of stuff that drives you crazy, better listen to an audiobook or podcast. :-)

8. A few minutes of meditation

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

If you've followed our advice, your morning is going pretty well so far.

All of these little tricks should have a nice cumulative effect.

This is the perfect time to take a few minutes to sit down and clear your mind.

To meditate, there is no perfect way. If you've already tried a particular method and didn't like it, it's time to develop your own style.

Adopt a comfortable position, put some music in the background (or not). Just sitting and listening to the silence is enough for most people.

And why not longer than a few minutes?

No need to enter a deep trance or adopt the lotus position for 1 hour.

Even if you don't reach Nirvana, a few minutes of meditation in the morning will improve your days noticeably.

And how many minutes exactly? We deliberately chose not to be specific. It depends on what meditation brings you, how you feel in the morning, and ... what time is displayed on the clock :-)

9. Smile in the mirror

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Yes, yes:we know. Are you advised to brush your tongue, jump on a trampoline, and now look at yourself in the mirror smiling?

Well, absolutely! Guess what, it's an INFAILLIBLE method of boosting your self-esteem. And, once you get into this great habit, you'll wonder how you didn't practice it before.

The idea is very simple:it's a way to make time for yourself. And when you give yourself time, the person you see in the mirror is a happy person.

This method works on several levels. Basically, it allows you to communicate and see the person who works in the background, the one who manages your daily life:you.

Don't give a Hollywood smile. A small smile is enough. A mischievous smile, like you have some tricks up your sleeve — and you're ready to reveal them to the world.

You will be surprised how powerful this exercise can generate positive thoughts.

A morning validation

Basically, this trick allows you to "get along with yourself".

It gives you the determination to start your day and accomplish your goals.

Whatever happens during the day, you will have given words of encouragement and greeted a person of the utmost importance:you!

10. Schedule the 3 tasks to be completed during the day

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

If you lead a hectic life, there are likely to be tasks that regularly fall into oblivion.

To avoid this problem, establish the 3 tasks that you absolutely must complete during the day. Then, dedicate your day to achieving these 3 goals.

This little trick has a significant benefit. Once you manage to make it a habit, you automatically gain self-confidence. Therefore, we try to tackle more and more important tasks.

Similarly, you will also find that less important tasks are easily accomplished, even though they are not on your “Top 3” list! And sometimes they just disappear — because they weren't originally important.

The Top 3:not 1 less, not 1 more

Above all, don't get carried away. Because what if you start adding tasks and you can't complete them? You will be discouraged.

Force yourself to find the 3 most important tasks, even if the day seems unstructured. You will feel better in the evening, having accomplished 3 important tasks.

There you go, you know the 10 little things that put you on the right track every morning. :-)

But that's not all:here are 4 things you absolutely must avoid doing in the morning. They will surely divert you from your good momentum!

The 4 things not to do in the morning

The 10 Morning Rituals That Will Change Your Life.

Read the newspaper. It's a great habit to keep up to date with world news. But you're doing yourself a big favor by missing the news from the night before.

Anyway, when the news is really important, they reach you before lunchtime. And it's nothing you can't catch up with in minutes on the internet.

Have a hearty breakfast. A hearty breakfast is not recommended, even if it is balanced and composed of healthy foods. Why ? Because it is precisely in the morning that your digestion is at its weakest.

So trying to knock out your digestive tract with a huge breakfast is going to make you feel sluggish — which can ruin your entire day.

So if you don't have a day of gardening ahead of you, it's best to have a light breakfast. And if you're really hungry before the lunch break, snack on a piece of fruit.

Coffee and energy drinks. It's an automatic gesture for a lot of people. Some are having coffee. Others will simply sip an energy drink, first thing in the morning!

If you resort to these stimulants, be aware that it probably hides a sleep or eating problem.

Motivate yourself to drop those stimulants. And keep making the positive changes needed, until you no longer need coffee or Red Bull to start your day.

Sleep in. For these little tricks to work, they have to become a habit. Don't expect them to have a positive impact on your life if you don't take them seriously.

Do you see where we are coming from? No rest for warriors! Therefore, no weekends for good habits!

If you give up these good habits on weekends, you will break the routine. And you will definitely fall back into your bad habits. So stay the course, sailor! Even during the weekend!

There you go, now there are no more excuses not to get started. We look forward to reading your comments! :-)