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The 3 Things You Should Stop Doing To Make Your Life Easier.

The 3 Things You Should Stop Doing To Make Your Life Easier.

Life is really simple, but we insist on make it complicated. »Confucius.

In life there are bad habits that have powerful destructive effects.

These habits may seem unimportant.

But in reality, they create confusion and simply make us unhappy.

So how do you live a simpler life with less hassle?

What are the things you need to stop doing to make your life easier?

The 3 Things You Should Stop Doing To Make Your Life Easier.

As Confucius well understood, the answer is not difficult.

But first, you have to identify the bad habits that complicate your life.

So, discover the 3 things you should no longer do to simplify your life.

And as a bonus, learn how to replace them with healthier behaviors.

1. Stop overanalyzing things

This is certainly the most recurrent bad habit:getting bogged down in a logic of over-analyzing things.

The problem with this habit is that it inevitably leads to a situation of "analysis paralysis".

We do little about important things, while we spend a lot of time and energy analyzing them.

Basically:too much analysis kills analysis.

How to simplify your life:

Make time for reflection short.

It's simple:when you don't set deadlines, you'll take the time to analyze a situation from all angles.

Setting a time for reflection will force you to make a decision (and therefore, to act).

It's a bit difficult to apply at first. But you quickly learn to eliminate the superfluous and only analyze the essentials.

Concrete example of a small decision:

You don't know if you should do the dishes or go for a walk. This is a think time of no more than 30 sec.

Some important decisions can take you days or even weeks...

Set yourself a deadline of 30 minutes, or until the end of your working day.

When you can no longer think clearly, give yourself a break.

When you're hungry, when you're sleepy and when you're about to go to bed...

These are times when you are likely to over-analyze things (and think negative thoughts).

Therefore, it is better not to make important decisions when you are hungry or just before bedtime.

Despite this, do your negative thoughts persist? Tell yourself out loud “No, no, and no! This is not the right time to make a decision! »

Why ? Because you have to wait to enter a mode of positive thinking.

So take the time to eat a good meal and get a good night's sleep.

Everyone has their situation which makes them more or less vulnerable to pessimism and over-analyzing things.

Pay attention to yourself to determine what these situations are for you.

And when you catch yourself going into a negative thinking mode, pull yourself together.

And redirect your thoughts!

2. Stop overloading your day

It's so easy to fall into the same old routine at work (or school).

We work like a slave, exhausting ourselves like ordinary mortals.

Surely you know the routine. We spend all our time on urgent projects, procrastinating, and stressing out during our free time or on weekends.

How to simplify your life:

Determine what is really important in the long run.

Inhale deeply. Exhale. Take the time to relax and concentrate.

Now ask yourself this question:"What is the most important thing I can do today?" »

It is imperative to think long term when looking for the answer to this question. You have to find THE most important task.

Once that's done, quickly start working on that task.

Do you find yourself falling back into procrastination? So, try to work on this task for a short duration.

Tell yourself, "I'm having a hard time getting started, but I'll try to focus on this task for 2 minutes. »

After a while you will find that there will be less and less resistance from your mind. Over time, starting the task will become easier and easier.

It sounds silly, but it really is that simple.

Once you start a task, it's easy to continue working on it.

And suddenly, we realize that the task is almost done!

3. Stop complicating your personal relationships

Reading other people's minds and making films. These are two habits that we pick up quite easily.

These two common little mistakes can really degrade the fun, spontaneity, and joy of a relationship (whether with a friend, relative, or spouse).

How to simplify your life:

Ask the uncomfortable questions.

Trying to read other people's minds is unhealthy.

What we take for the truth will inevitably create nightmarish scenarios in our minds.

Reading other people's minds is impossible! As a result, we project our own fears onto what our loved one might think.

Instead, try to be more direct with those closest to you.

Make a habit of asking more questions about what's bothering you. Basically, communicate more transparently.

The result ? This will allow you and your loved ones to understand you better.

Try to challenge your scenarios.

You have to admit it...

When we make movies, we get a certain pleasure, a certain stimulation.

But on closer inspection, this behavior can destroy a relationship, whether short-term or long-term.

Ask yourself the following question.

Will the scenario you imagined matter in 5 years? Or even in 5 weeks?!

Ask yourself this question before you even create problems with your loved ones. In this way, you will avoid propagating the problem in question.

Certainly, you will surely have to talk about it with the people concerned.

But try to simplify the concern before talking about it to your loved ones.

Why does this problem really bother you? What is the real root of this problem?

Try to identify it in order to avoid unnecessary conflicts, anger, and hurting your loved ones.

Similarly, ask yourself the same question when people around you try to get you into trouble.

Just because they're looking to create a conflict with you doesn't mean you have to participate!

So, now you know the 3 bad habits to avoid to simplify your life. And above all, how to replace them with behaviors that are healthier :-)

What do you think ? Let us know in the comments! We can't wait to read you :-)