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13 things to focus on when you're 20.

13 things to focus on when you re 20.

When you're 20, you feel like you have the eternity ahead of us.

But time flies.

So quickly that you find yourself at 30 without realizing it...

This is when we ask ourselves a lot of questions.

Are we where we wanted to be 10 years ago?

Did we make the right choices?

Did we worry about the good stuff?

To answer all of these questions in the affirmative, it is important to focus your energy on the important things.

13 things to focus on when you re 20.

Here are the 13 essential things you need to focus on if you're 20:

1. Build a strong network

If you succeed in creating a solid network of people during your studies and your various professional experiences, you mathematically increase your chances of having opportunities that interest you in the future.

And this, both on a personal and professional level.

Therefore, it is important to connect with the people you meet, to open doors... and to close them as few as possible.

You will surely, one day or another, need to use your network. It's just that you still don't know where and how.

In short, when you are 20, you must also use your time to build your life for tomorrow.

2. Read as much as possible

13 things to focus on when you re 20.

There's nothing more productive than taking time to read.

Read anything you can:novels, short stories, studies and essays, fiction, career advice or self-help books. In short, everything that comes to hand!

Why ? Because the more you understand the world and the people around you, the easier it will be for you to communicate your intentions to those around you and thus find your place in society.

Reading regularly stimulates your mind and opens you up to new ideas that you would never have thought of on your own.

Each book contains important lessons that you can try to implement in your life.

Thanks to the books, you are also confronted with different opinions from all over the world. And that, to develop your open-mindedness, there is no better!

To discover: The 10 Benefits of Reading:Why You Should Read Every Day.

3. Take care of your body

Taking the time in the evening to remove makeup, exercise and put on sunscreen may not be among your priorities right now, but know that it should!

Why ? Because taking care of your health when you're 20 is something that will come in handy later on.

Once you're older, I guarantee you'll be glad you took care of your body when you were young.

Indeed, whatever you do in your life, you will do it in your body.

You cannot replace it, buy a new one or exchange it for another one.

It's your body for life, so at least try not to damage it (too much).

To discover: Don't Like Doing Abs? 6 Simple Exercises To Do For Beginners.

4. Use your time and money to educate yourself

Education is an invaluable resource that you never regret having!

Money is always well spent when it is used to expand one's knowledge.

In particular, when it comes to perfecting knowledge that can be used in a professional setting.

By investing your money in your education, it also allows you to test different areas and thus have a better chance of finding what you are passionate about in life.

And once you've found what you're passionate about, find ways to make it your job.

In any case, if one day you need to train more to go where you want in life, never hesitate!

To discover: The 37 Best Websites To Learn Something New.

5. Take care of your mental health

Your physical health is very important. Take the time to take care of it. But don't forget to take care of your mental health as well.

To do this, remember to stimulate and challenge your mind. Be aware of what you expose him to on a daily basis. In a nutshell:take care of yourself.

Know that the brain has the same characteristics as a muscle. You can train it regularly to strengthen it.

And as long as you use it, it will stay fit and healthy. But as soon as you stop using it, it rusts. So remember to use it as much as possible on a daily basis!

To discover: Meditation:The 7 Scientifically Proven Benefits to Your Brain.

6. Learn new skills and perfect them

As we have seen together above, it is important to know what excites you in life.

But know that mastering a diverse set of skills is just as important.

Why ? Because these skills, once acquired, will be usable in one way or another in the field that interests you.

And this, even if at first these skills may seem far from your job. To convince yourself, watch this video of Steve Jobs.

7. Make and keep good habits

The most difficult thing in life is to form good habits.

But once you have them, these habits are going to have an incredible positive impact on your life.

And this, both in your daily life and in your professional future.

Why ? Because once you have integrated a good habit into your daily life, such as reading 15 minutes every day, it lasts a lifetime.

8. Surround yourself with the right people

13 things to focus on when you re 20.

When you're 20, it's time to drop the superficial "friends" you just party with...

Conversely, it is important to spend more good times with people who have a positive impact in our lives.

The people who will still be here in 10 years and will lift you up in difficult times.

The older you grow, the less time you have to spend with people who are harmful to you and who pull you down.

Never forget that you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with.

9. Eat healthy

Take the time to plan your meals, learn to cook healthy, and watch what you eat every day.

Gradually eliminate junk foods such as cookies, chips, sodas and fast foods that serve as your daily meal.

Although eating healthy takes a little more time and a little more effort, once you get older you'll never regret the effort.

Why ? Because you'll soon realize that you're in much better shape than people your age who haven't eaten as healthy as you.

You will have more energy and you will still be able to do things that others can no longer do.

10. Set a budget now

Sit down for a moment and take the time to understand how you spend your money.

What do you spend the most money on? What are your current expenses and your exceptional expenses?

If you take care of your finances now, they will take care of you when you need them most in the future.

This will be useful in case of illness, but also to possibly pay for your children's studies, or if one day you have to support a sick parent.

I can assure you that for all these moments in life (and many more), your savings will be welcome.

Also remember to avoid pitfalls, such as so-called great opportunities that you are offered that seem too good to be true. Very often, they are to be avoided! So think twice before saying yes.

Also avoid using your credit card too much because you quickly lose track of the money you are spending...

Don't forget to wait 2 days before making any purchase to be sure you really want to buy this thing! In most cases, you'll find that you don't actually need it.

To discover: 44 Ideas To Help You Save Money Easily.

11. Travel

13 things to focus on when you re 20.

When you are in your twenties, you are full of enthusiasm and energy. And we also usually have the freedom to move. So enjoy it, it's time!

Traveling is the best way to discover new cultures, countries and ways of thinking. You gain in openness and also meet friends from all over the world!

As you travel, you learn amazing things that you can apply when you return.

To discover: 5 Essential Tips For Cheap Travel In All Seasons.

12. Communicate regularly with those you love

Make an effort to remember the birthdays, holidays and important events of the people you love.

Your family and friends are your main support when you need them so don't forget them!

It's important to nurture your relationships and make time to connect with the people you love.

These little gestures that show you are thinking of the people who love you go a long way to strengthening your bond with them.

So take 5 minutes to write a nice postcard while traveling or schedule a quick Skype call, you won't regret it!

13. Take the time to think about what you really want in life

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life when you're young. People often forget to stop and think about what they really want in life.

Indeed, it is important to be aware of the world around you and all that it offers.

Not just the outside world, but also what's going on inside your head. Spend time alone because it's the only real way to get to know each other better.

Be curious and constantly question things. Take the time to find out what you like and develop a strategy to achieve it.