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8 things you can do now for your health

8 things you can do now for your health

Working on your health doesn't always have to be time consuming. There are plenty of small changes you can make to live a healthier life.

1. Give someone a hug During cuddling, the happiness hormone oxytocin is released. That's why cuddling makes you happier.

2. Wash your hands
Washing your hands is the most important way to prevent the spread of bacteria. On average, we only wash our hands for 6 seconds, while it is at least 15 seconds to really get your hands clean.

3. Cut fruits and vegetables
Cut fruits and vegetables into small pieces. By putting it ready-to-use in your fridge, you can grab fruit faster instead of a bag of chips.

4. Get up more often We keep reading these days that sitting is the new smoking. Especially bad news for people with a sedentary profession. It is really healthier if you get up a little more often. Every little bit helps.

5. Drink a glass of water Your body can easily confuse hunger and thirst. So drink a glass of water first. In addition, Grandma's rule is still a good one:'A glass after every pee.'

6. Examine your breasts A lot of misery can be prevented by examining your own breasts every month. Not every lump is cause for panic.

7. Don't just brush your teeth, but also use toothpicks or dental floss
You can easily reach the large surfaces of your teeth with your toothbrush, but the spaces between your teeth need something extra:brush or floss between your teeth every day.

8. Clean your electronics Your phone, but also your keyboard and remote controls are a pleasant place for bacteria. Clean them regularly with a disinfectant.