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A first case of tomato virus confirmed in France

A first case of contamination with the ToBRFV virus has just been confirmed in a greenhouse crop of tomatoes in Finistère, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

A few days ago a report from ANSES (Health Security Agency) warned of the spread of a virus (ToBRFV) threatening to infect tomato crops in France. Until now, France had been spared, but it didn't take long before the virus, already spotted in Germany and Italy, crossed our borders.

The Ministry of Agriculture has just confirmed the contamination of tomatoes in the greenhouse on a farm in Finistère . ANSES's results on the samples taken are "positive “, can we read in a press release. The tomatoes "are therefore well contaminated with the virus “.

This first affected farm has been placed in containment by the health authorities, pending the destruction of all plants tomatoes and disinfection of the site .

A real economic threat

As ​​a reminder, the tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) – safe for humans – does not only attack tomatoes. Crops of peppers and peppers are also concerned.

Known for being particularly virulent , it can be transmitted by infected seeds, plants or fruits, but also by gardening tools, pollinating insects, or irrigation water. It can also lie dormant for many years, and to date there is no truly effective treatment .

We also emphasize that all tomato crops can be affected, whether conventional or organic, in greenhouses or in the field.

That's why this virus is so worrying. By being so resistant and contagious, the latter threatens to spread even further across the planet through trade, and to hold several important sectors hostage.

In France, tomato cultivation in France is the leading vegetable crop with 712,000 tonnes produced in 2018 , recalls the Ministry of Agriculture.

A first case of tomato virus confirmed in France

Stay alert

To prevent the spread of the virus, ANSES insists on the need to import only plants and seeds from certified non-infected production sites. Individuals accustomed to ordering seeds on the Internet should also ensure that they are well informed about the origin of the samples.

In case of suspicion, it is essential to contact Anse. Symptoms are diverse and varied , but these can alert:

– Mosaics (chlorotic or pale spots) developed on the leaves
– Wrinkled, distorted or even shrunken leaves
– Appearance of brown streaks (necrotic) on stems
– Appearance of chlorotic mottling and brown spots on fruits
– Deformed or wrinkled looking fruits


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