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Food supplements:useful or scam? An expert from the Biovancia Institute sheds light on this thorny question

The magazine 60 million consumers has just published a survey on dietary supplements. His conclusion is that dietary supplements are useless or even dangerous. Problem:thousands of scientific studies say the opposite. Dominique Defort, from the Biovancia Institute, sheds light on this subject which interests millions of French people.

Since 2002, at European and French level, 28 official directives and regulations have concerned plants and food supplements. This makes it one of the most regulated areas today. In addition, this regulation is recent and reinforced every year.

Everything is codified :authorized plants and nutrients, their origin, recommended doses and maximum doses, information to be communicated on products, quality controls, possible contraindications. European and French legislators have gone so far as to specify the minimum mandatory font size on packaging.

Are food supplements dangerous for your health?

In 2017, via the official Nutrivigilance system, the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES) noted only 77 cases of adverse effects possibly linked to the consumption of food supplements, while that nearly 150 million boxes were sold that year on the French market.

This is equivalent to a risk of 0.00005133%… In addition, ANSES adds that the reported effects are weak and disappear as soon as you stop taking the product. (1)

Of course, if you decide to take dietary supplements, follow these 4 basic safety tips :

    1. Carefully follow the instructions for use of the product.
    2. Choose a product made in Europe or in France by a laboratory subject to European regulations.
    3. If you are under medical treatment, talk to your doctor to check that there is no risk of interaction between the food supplement and the treatment you are taking.
    4. If in doubt, stay away.

What about the effectiveness of dietary supplements?

In the famous SU.VI.MAX study, French people received an antioxidant food supplement between 1994 and 2002. This supplementation in this case reduced the risk of cancer by 30% in men. (2)

In addition, this study highlighted that more than 20% of adults were deficient in vitamin B6, and more than 10% in deficiency of vitamin E. We also know that more than 20% of adults have a vitamin C status. too low. Up to 79% of women do not receive 2/3 of the recommended daily intake of zinc.

The SU.VI.MAX study also showed that 23% of men do not receive 2/3 of the recommended magnesium intake. The Institut de Veille Sanitaire has shown that more than 80% of French adults suffer from a vitamin D deficiency. (3)

In an ideal world, our diet should provide us with the nutrients we need. The problem is that, according to various large-scale studies, the nutritional value of many fruits and vegetables that we consume today is 5 to 40% lower than that of the same product grown 50 to 70 years ago. (4)

It is as if we were eating partially "empty" food. And this is why quality food supplements can effectively fulfill their primary mission:to supplement our diet by providing us with nutrients that are important for our health and difficult to obtain in our diet.

On the same subject:Rhodiola and its benefits:what does science think?

The Biovancia Institute's mission is to offer high quality food supplements made in France

Turmeric, magnesium, vitamin D, vitamin C, collagen, melatonin... The Biovancia Institute develops food supplements that combine the best of nature and the best of science.

Guarantee #1:you get access to high-quality formulations based on the most rigorous international studies

Guarantee #2:you only get natural active ingredients whose purity, safety and effectiveness are scientifically proven.

Guarantee n°3:your products are inspired by the most beautiful treasures of nature

Guarantee n°4:each formulation is manufactured in specialized French laboratories

Guarantee n°5:your products are tested and analyzed by independent laboratories

Guarantee n°6:your products comply with European regulations and have been validated by French health authorities

For more information on the food supplements of the Biovancia Institute, go to their official website to take advantage of our special Internet offers (up to 2 months of treatment offered)

Content provided by:Dominique Defort


  2. S. Hercberg et al., The SU.VI.MAX Study:a randomized, placebo-controlled trial of the health effects of antioxidant vitamins and minerals. Arch Intern Med, 2004. 164(21):p. 2335-42.
  3. Vernay M. et al. Vitamin D status in the French adult population:the French Nutrition and Health Survey (ENNS, 2006-2007). Usen, invs, April 2012.