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Getting up in the dark:this makes it easier

Getting up in the dark:this makes it easier

Now that the days are getting shorter, we are getting up in the dark again. And that is not easy. These tips make getting up in the dark more bearable!

Try to catch daylight as soon as possible

Now that the days are not yet shortest, you can still catch a little bit of daylight in the morning before working time. Daylight works best for waking up. Cycle to work (even if you work from home, you can pretend to cycle to work) or have a cup of coffee in the garden.

Use an alarm clock with light

Waking up with natural light is the best, but if there is no such thing, an alarm clock with light is a good substitute. There are different types of alarm clocks with light available. Some also with soft bird sounds ensure that you wake up pleasantly:

Other tips to wake up easier

  • Think of the good things the day will bring you. Or think of the delicious breakfast that is waiting for you.
  • Stretch yourself. It is good for your blood circulation, among other things.
  • Don't hit the snooze button.