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The evolution of dental care, technology in this field and reimbursements

Today, we are highlighting the evolution of dental care as well as the technology used to provide the necessary care. In addition, we will discuss the evolution of refunds in this area.

There are a whole host of elements that can harm your teeth… cavities, inflammations, abscesses, complicated wisdom teeth, etc. Of course, the care provided has a certain cost, which can be very high depending on the treatment required.

Therefore, it is absolutely vital to have a complementary dental health insurance, which is adapted to your needs, to your profile, in order that the assumption of costs is the most optimal.

So how does it work?

First of all, even if you think that taking out complementary health insurance is useless, you should know that Social Security partially reimburses expenses related to dental care. However, it is important to know that these refunds are only made at a very low rate. In addition, when the care becomes more advanced, complex or requires several visits to the dentist, these reimbursements are less important.

Therefore, having a complementary insurance including good reimbursements of dental expenses is very useful. And for example, the more important the dental care, the lower the costs for the placement of implants or crowns will be.

It is also important to note that the care provided today differs from the care provided 10 or more years ago. It can therefore be very complicated to know what the exact value of a treatment is. And since each case is different, that doesn't make it easy.

How to choose?

Of course, before taking out a mutual health insurance contract, you must first establish your profile, determine your needs and your budget. Today, all of this can be done via an online quote comparison tool.

There are many elements to take into account when establishing your profile:the number of people who wish to subscribe, the needs of each. For example, after the age of 50, it is important to pay more attention to your dental health than a person of 30, and this is simply because of aging. As for teenagers, it is likely that braces will be needed, etc.

By the way, let’s dwell on this subject:dental prostheses . Very expensive, the latter will finally be better reimbursed with good coverage.

As part of the 100% Health reform, you should know that from January 1, a large part of dental prostheses will be fully covered. Indeed, this reform entered into force in the field of dental care on April 1st, and provides for the gradual introduction of a limit sale price (known as PLV) for certain prosthetic aspects which are now billed freely by dental surgeons, at the same time as the revaluation of the basis for reimbursement of certain treatments by Health Insurance.

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Indeed, from January 2020, there will be full coverage of some fixed prostheses (i.e. crowns, bridges, etc.) under responsible contracts. Then, from January 2021, there will be coverage for part of the removable prostheses. This represents a big step forward in the field. As a result, by 2021, it will be an obligation to submit a quote for "rest at charge 0 on the dental". In any case, do not hesitate to make an appointment with a dental specialist to discuss your needs together.

The budget that will follow will therefore necessarily depend on the needs of each one. For example, if a person requires significant care for their teeth, it is natural to devote a larger budget to it and therefore to subscribe to superior health insurance. If the required costs are minimal, basic coverage will suffice.

As mentioned above, it is now quite possible to compare all the offers transparently, directly and online. Don't wait any longer, dental care is very important, and you can without further ado set up your profile via this link, in addition to comparing the different health insurances. Note that the comparator on this website takes your profile into account to refine your real needs as much as possible. In this way, you will be able to find an offer quickly, and which is adapted to your request.

The online comparator will offer you a range of offers that will match your profile. Then, you can make your choice in full knowledge of the facts and contact the agency that interests you.