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This is how you handle food in the freezer safely

This is how you handle food in the freezer safely

You freeze food because you want to prevent food waste, because you have bought too much on sale or because you always want to have a backup at home. But how long can you safely store something in the freezer?


If something is on sale, it may be more economical to stock up on a larger amount of meat. Processed beef and pork such as marinated, spiced or ground meat will keep for up to one month. If you have already baked, roasted or incorporated meat into a dish, it will keep for about two months. Did you know that you can also freeze meat products for bread? A package of meat products keeps well in the freezer for up to two months.

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If you have leftovers because you cooked too much or because a stock in the freezer is always nice, you can keep it for up to three months. Be careful before you freeze the leftovers! The food must be well cooled before it goes into the refrigerator. Are you in a hurry after dinner? If you immerse the storage container or the storage bag in a container with cold water, it will cool down faster.


Vegetables can be kept in the freezer for up to one year. It is important that you blanch the vegetables first. Blanching involves cooking vegetables for a few minutes. Most vegetables are suitable for freezing. But beware of vegetables that contain a lot of water, such as cucumber, tomato and lettuce. These are not suitable for the freezer.


To maintain the optimal taste of bread, it can be stored in the freezer for up to two weeks. The easiest way is to store bread in slices so that your characters can grab a slice. After two weeks you will notice that the bread becomes a bit drier. It is also important not to freeze too many loaves at once. Freezing a loaf of bread takes a lot of energy for a freezer. This slows down the freezing process, which does not affect the taste.


Do you have any overripe fruit left? You can freeze almost any kind of fruit. Cut it into pieces or cubes and store it well in a sealed container or in a freezer bag. In most cases, fruit can be stored in the freezer for 10 to 12 months.,,,