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The true and false about food supplements

The true and false about food supplements

If the European Parliament defines food supplements as “a concentrated source of nutrients” , however, their use is not without risk. Did you know that according to the interactive Harris study, 54% of French people consumed food supplements in 2019? Yet what do we know about their effectiveness and their supposed benefits to our health?

Unravel with us the true from the false about food supplements and treat yourself to a vitamin cocktail in complete safety!

Food supplements are safe for your health


While food supplements are mostly very natural, mainly made up of plants, some may contain allergenic substances, additives or flavorings. In order to protect consumers, the law requires manufacturers to affix the words “food supplements” to the boxes and to clearly state the precautions for use and the composition of the product.

To reduce any risk to your health, ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety) establishes the following points of vigilance:

  • use identifiable products from controlled circuits;
  • avoid consuming food supplements for a prolonged period unless otherwise advised by a doctor;
  • consult a doctor as soon as side effects such as dizziness, migraines, digestive disorders or fatigue appear;
  • follow the dosage recommended by the manufacturer to avoid any risk of overdose and hypervitaminosis.

Food supplements should be used with the utmost caution. For example, the essential oils contained in certain products are strongly discouraged for pregnant women. They contain neurotoxic substances which considerably increase the risk of miscarriage. Likewise, did you know that food supplements that promote a tanned complexion all year round generally contain beta-carotene? Consumed in high doses, it is not without danger to health and increases the risk of lung and stomach cancer in smokers.

Food supplements reduce deficiencies and boost immunity


Our body can be deficient for many reasons such as illness, poor lifestyle, lack of sunlight or even age. Food supplements have been designed to compensate for these deficiencies and offer a particularly effective solution to reverse the trend.

They show excellent results in case of:

  • iron deficiency in children or following a specific diet;
  • vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarians or vegans;
  • drop in vitamin D at the onset of winter or in the elderly;
  • magnesium deficiency;
  • increased occasional need for vitamin B9 as in pregnant women to limit the risk of malformation in the fetus.

Vitamin D supplements can also be recommended to reduce deficiencies, improve bone mineralization in children and treat deficiencies in vitamin D production in the elderly. Beyond providing essential nutrients and vitamins to our body, food supplements can also prepare us to face seasonal illnesses. During seasonal changes, our body becomes more vulnerable to viruses. A vitamin cure can in this case help us to strengthen our immunity.

For optimal effectiveness, favor cures over one or more months and always respect the precautions for use indicated on the product.

Food supplements replace a good diet


ANSES specifies that food supplements in no way replace a good diet and cannot compensate for a poor lifestyle. As their name suggests, they are supplements and not food substitutes! Did you know that a balanced and varied diet can exempt you from taking food supplements? Indeed, all the nutrients and vitamins that our body needs are found in the foods that we consume daily. Iron, magnesium, zinc, vitamin C, etc:you taste much more than what you see on your plate!

For iron health, favor natural unprocessed foods, seasonal fruits and vegetables for an optimal supply of nutrients and vitamins. However, if you follow a specific diet, consuming food supplements may supplement your increased nutritional needs.

Food supplements cure diseases


There are countless benefits of food supplements on the body and health:they reduce stress, facilitate weight loss, help you fall asleep, stimulate nail and hair growth, relieve painful joints, etc. However, it should be noted that they have their limits:if they help relieve symptoms, they do not cure diseases, they are not drugs! It is true that in cases of pathologies such as Crohn's disease, food supplements provide real comfort and a welcome supply of nutrients to fill the gaps. However, they are in no way a substitute for medical treatment.

Moreover, dietary supplements and medical treatment do not always go hand in hand! Certain nutrients or vitamins contained in food supplements can indeed affect or even totally inhibit the effectiveness of certain drugs . Antibiotics, for example, can lose their effectiveness if you take supplements containing calcium. Whatever the situation, it is essential to always consult a health professional to benefit from medical treatment adapted to your situation and above all not to use self-medication which can have serious consequences on your body.

Do you dream of perfect skin, unparalleled vitality, a tanned complexion and shiny hair all year round? Yes, but not at any price ! Use food supplements sparingly and remember to maintain a healthy lifestyle!