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Sick at home? This is how you prevent you from getting the flu too

Sick at home? This is how you prevent you from getting the flu too

Do you have a sick person at home? There is a chance that you will be infected. Is an infection really out of the question? With these tips you can take precautions and reduce the chance of getting a flu.


A flu quickly spreads through the house. If the sick person talks, coughs or sneezes, the bacteria can reach people within a radius of 6 meters. You can also be infected by flu germs by touching the surface. Try to quarantine the sick person. Leave him or her in one place as much as possible and, if possible, use different toilets.

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A flu virus can live on a hard surface for up to 24 hours. Disinfect any surface the patient has touched. For example, use disinfection on the remote control, doorknobs, light switches and the counter. You can also disinfect by adding half a cup of bleach to a bucket of water. Do not use a sponge, but disposable wipes. That way you don't move the bacteria.

Tips for the bathroom

  • Use disposable cups for rinsing and drinking.
  • Do not share a towel with the sick person. Use paper towels if necessary.
  • Cover your toothbrush with a toothbrush cap and keep your toothbrush away from the patient's.

Tips for the bedroom

  • Place a trash can in the patient's room. All waste can go straight in here. Empty it every day and always clean it after emptying.
  • Dust all furniture. Dust can be irritating when someone is sick. Take off the bedside table and vacuum the bedroom.
  • Air the room for half an hour in the morning. This allows all the air with bacteria to move outside and the room is fresh again.

Hand wash

Hand hygiene is just as important as a clean house. To make sure all the flu germs are dead, wash your hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds. Wash your hands after going to the toilet, if you have been outside and have come into contact with the sick person. It is important to wash your hands before eating and when you touch your face with your hands. This is usually how the bacteria enter your body.