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Tip from Marianne Timmer:Correct use of food supplements

Tip from Marianne Timmer:Correct use of food supplements

Santé is a co-subsponsor of Team Continu:the skating team led by Marianne Timmer. Marianne shares a tip every day to keep fit with Santé. Today:how do you use nutritional supplements?

Marianne: 'When taking dietary supplements, it is important to take the following recommendations into account:

• Use a balanced amount. Use the recommended dose that you should take through food as a benchmark.
• Do not purchase anything via the internet or mail order companies.
• Avoid products with unclear package leaflets and/or with an exaggerated indication (for example Slimming pills that promise to lose 10 kilos in 4 weeks).
• Never believe the label 'natural' or 'organic'.
• Always inform your doctor and pharmacist if you are taking nutritional supplements. Vitamins and minerals can influence the effect of other medicines.'

Missed tip? Read all the tips from Marianne Timmer.