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This is the food diary of forester Marieke Schatteleijn

This is the food diary of forester Marieke Schatteleijn

Marieke Schatteleijn has been a forest ranger at Staatsbosbeheer since 2010. She works in the Kennemerland area, which lies between Haarlem and Amsterdam. We also know Marieke from TV:she is one of the presenters of the TV program BinnensteBuiten (KRO-NCRV), in which she takes viewers into nature.

Below you will find Marieke's food diary.

Eating diary Marieke Schatteleijn


“I have quinoa or oatmeal with nuts and fruit for breakfast. Tasty and nutritious. If I go for a long run in the morning, I slide in a peanut butter and banana sandwich.”


“When I'm on the road, I take a portion of dinner from the day before. Otherwise I'll make something. For example, stir-fried vegetables and eggs, possibly rice and a salad. Often also avocado – in salad, soup or on bread.”


“It is a bit of a search for dishes that are healthy and tasty and that make my son enthusiastic. Favorites are spicy curries with vegetables and tofu, bean-filled wraps and sauerkraut stew. We always include raw vegetables. Occasionally unhealthy is also allowed; pancakes and pizza, for example, pass by here regularly.”


“With dot on one:coffee. My thermos is always with me. I also drink water and occasionally tea. Sometimes a smoothie with a scoop of pea powder for extra protein. When I'm hungry, I have some nuts, an avocado, fruit or a handful of chips. I also like (special) beer.”

Read the food diary of cardiologist Janneke Wittekoek here