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Difficult digestion:10 grandmother or natural remedies

Difficult digestion:10 grandmother or natural remedies

After a meal that is too copious, it can happen that you are the victim of digestive problems. Instead of resorting to drugs, why not try some proven natural remedies. Overview of the best tips to say goodbye to these digestive inconveniences.

Baking soda

It is certainly no longer necessary to present the virtues of baking soda. Used in many areas, it has the ability to soothe heartburn, heartburn or even bloating. Just put half a teaspoon in a large glass of water.


In case of bloating or aerophagia, cinnamon remains a safe bet. Just prepare an infusion by mixing a large cup of boiling water with two teaspoons of cinnamon powder. Note that this condiment is also a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic and antifungal.


Ginger is certainly one of the most effective remedies for fighting difficult digestion. There are several ways to consume it. You can opt for example for herbal medicine, with capsules. Otherwise, put a few slices in a cup of boiling water and drink this infusion. You can also sprinkle ginger powder on the dishes you are going to eat.


Clove is the smart remedy. Although it is best known for its anesthetic properties (often used to relieve toothaches), this spice can also help calm poor digestion. Consume it in powder or infusion. It soothes gastric and stomach irritations.


Difficult digestion:10 grandmother or natural remedies In digestive herbal medicine, mint is well positioned. Of course, it can be used in the form of an essential oil to relieve bloating, intestinal fermentation, nausea or digestive cramps. But it is also possible to consume it in the form of an infusion. Otherwise, eat a piece of sugar on which you have previously poured two drops of mint alcohol.


Try cilantro to soothe digestive spasms and bloating. In a saucepan, mix a cup of water with coriander sprigs and boil. Before drinking, remember to add a little honey.


Parsley is not only used to enhance the taste of our dishes in the kitchen. It also has great health benefits, especially for difficult digestion. Use the same technique as for coriander for its preparation.

Fennel seeds

Try fennel seeds. Many have already done it and were satisfied with the result. In fact, it's very simple:just chew the seeds and that's it!


Thyme is one of the wonderful remedies that mother nature gave us to soothe stomach ache or even difficult digestion. It has a strong disinfectant power and purifies our digestive tracts. It is recommended against bloating, intestinal infections or aerophagia. You will consume it in the form of herbal tea.

Essential oils

Essential oils are a real source of benefits against all kinds of ailments including difficult digestion. For this remedy, mix nutmeg, coriander and caraway oil. Make light massages on the abdomen.