Feverish? Febrile?
Don't worry, fever is a good sign. This shows that your body is still able to react against microbial attacks.
But we can give it a boost and help our natural immune defenses bring the body's temperature down to around 37°.
Fortunately, my grandmother knows the right reflexes to quickly be in top shape the next day.
Here are his 6 natural remedies to fight against fever.
For my part, I am a fan of herbal teas of all kinds.
When I'm feverish, I go on a diet until improvement (less than a day, don't worry) and I only drink herbal teas or pineapple juice (organic) throughout the day, excellent against fever.
Here are my tips:
a) 6 mint leaves and a small piece of ginger with boiling water
b) The juice of a lemon, a spoonful of pure honey and boiling water (the same herbal tea recommended for colds)
c) An infusion of linden.
And then, off to bed. My body is warm and I'm going to push the fever away by sneaking under the duvet.
You should drink these herbal teas as hot as possible to promote sweating and allow faster elimination of toxins.
Lemon has a sudorific action.
A good sweat? It's a good sign, your fever will go down!
Just before going to lie down warm under the duvet, taking care to have my feet already warm (thanks to a good hot foot bath or a hot water bottle), I put on my anti-fever socks.
It also works very well for our children's fever.
I soak a pair of socks in cool water. Adding 1 glass of cider vinegar to this water is even more effective.
I wring out my socks and put them on. And there, I put on a second pair of very thick and dry woolen socks this time on top (or a dry hand towel).
And off to bed! And I start again as soon as my socks have become warm after 15 to 30 min. Be careful girls, if you have your period, we avoid this treatment!
If anyone can help, the anti-fever reflexology points are placed at the tips of our thumbs and toes.
Pressure on the thumbs or toes and the top of the foot in general should help you heal.
And then as soon as I have a little fever, I make myself a cold clay poultice on my lower abdomen, which I repeat as often as possible until it heals.
Just mix fine powdered clay with a little water.
I also give myself a bath of 15 to 30 min max at the end of the day by adding a mixture of 5 drops of eucalyptus essential oil (radiata) mixed with olive oil or neutral liquid soap.
I start my bath lukewarm (about 35°).
I then raise the temperature to 40-42°. And once again as soon as I get out of the bath, I quickly dry off and sneak under the duvet to sweat one last time before nightfall.
Please note that this treatment is not recommended for children.
For children, it's the opposite. On our Facebook page, Nathalie gives us her mom reflex. She runs a bath 1° below the child's temperature, and lets her angel soak and splash around until the water reaches around 35°.
Panties, a T-shirt and once in bed, little caresses from head to toe "to take the fire off him".
You can save water by doing the same thing just on your legs and feet with the shower head by increasing the water temperature from lukewarm to hot.
CAUTION, if with these treatments, your fever lasts more than 2 days, it may not be just a simple fever, consult a doctor!