There is nothing better than the good remedies of great- mother to treat pain caused by cold or temperature changes.
A draft, a drop in temperature that sets in, and you already feel a little tingling in your throat, making you understand that in the days to come, you will suffer.
Sore throat, we all hate it! But he settles in, like nothing, and isn't always easy to appease.
I'm going to give you 3 very effective little recipes, straight out of our grandmothers' drawers.
The first thing I recommend is to try boiling water with previously washed strawberry leaves. Let cool then gargle with this drink worthy of a Papa Smurf potion.
Strawberry leaves have an astringent power which limits the secretions of the mucous membranes. We are in winter, if it is difficult for you to find strawberry leaves, buy ready-made herbal teas.
Second natural and effective remedy, is to make a mixture of hot lemon and honey. Guaranteed antiseptic effect. Perfect for when I have a sore throat during the cold weather.
Finally, a last remedy that I have just tried, is to add olive oil to the honey and lemon mixture. It does a lot of good for the throat, the oily nature of the oil is directly soothing.
I hope you will find what you are looking for in one of these 3 recipes.
A box of lozenges is on average €5.20 the 36 pellets. You only have 6 days. And it's hardly effective in the long run. You will need at least 4 times this dose for the winter (more than 20 € )
A remedy with natural ingredients that you have in your cupboards will save you at least €15 on winter.