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Natural Antibiotic Home Remedies

Using the natural antibiotic home remedies below not only adds a new dimension to your dishes, it is also good for your health. The natural products below are effective in combating all kinds of ailments. That is why they are also called natural antibiotics or natural medicines (home remedies). With natural medicines you increase your resistance, you prevent getting sick and have to take chemically produced medication.


For centuries, people have sworn by using garlic as a curative. In ancient times, garlic was used to treat respiratory disorders, cold, cough and flu. During World War I, even garlic compresses were used to prevent infection on open wounds. Years of studies have convinced scientists that garlic is effective in the fight against stroke, high blood pressure, certain cancers, heart problems and the prevention of skin infections. The substance allicin, which acts as a natural antibiotic, is responsible for this. Thanks to this substance, the body's immunity is strengthened and free radicals are turned off. This is good for general health.


Onions, which belong to the same genus as garlic, have many medicinal properties. This is due to the flavonoids in onions. A wide range of powerful antioxidants improve circulation, protect the body from diabetes and high cholesterol. In addition, they promote good digestion and offer protection against cardiovascular diseases. The extract of onions can be used in the treatment of colds and coughs. Thanks to the antibacterial substances, onions can also be used to disinfect the bite of an insect or other animal. Halving an onion and putting it on the bedside table helps to get rid of a nasty cold.


Ginger has been used in alternative health care for thousands of years. This is because gingerol, shogaol and zingiberene present in ginger are both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. These substances ensure that mucus is removed in a natural way. This prevents problems in the upper respiratory tract such as with flu, cough and cold. In addition, ginger also influences the functioning of the stomach.

Regular consumption of ginger reduces chronic fatigue, improves circulation and stabilizes blood sugar (recommended for diabetes patients). In addition, it improves heart health, supports the immune system, fights cancer and acts as a natural pain reliever. Drinking freshly brewed ginger tea every day can help asthma patients keep their airways clear. This can reduce or even make the use of inhalers unnecessary.

Turmeric (turmeric or turmeric)

If you're looking for natural antibiotics, turmeric is the answer. Turmeric, also known as turmeric, protects the body optimally against certain types of bacteria and has both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. Turmeric is suitable for the treatment of various skin conditions, ranging from minor scrapes, cuts and major wounds. For example, wounds caused by other serious conditions such as leprosy, psoriasis, eczema and scabies can be treated with turmeric.

In addition, the herb is good for the liver, heart and digestive tract. Not unimportant:more and more scientists are convinced that turmeric can prevent the development of tumors and even cure small tumors. The blood purifying effect of turmeric is also used to treat MRSA infections, as common antibiotics often do not have the desired effect.

Turmeric is best taken daily by adding a spoonful to each meal. You can also prepare golden milk or Indian Haldi ka doodh from turmeric. This turmeric milk is not only healthy, but guarantees a better effect than many traditional medicines (speaking from experience).

Vitamin C

It will certainly come as no surprise that Vitamin C is on the list of natural medicines. High doses of vitamin C have the natural ability to cure antibiotic resistant patients. Both fruits and vegetables with a high vitamin C content can be used as natural antibiotics. Vitamin C dissolved in water plays an important role in the body, because it is quickly absorbed and destroys harmful microorganisms.

In addition, the use of vitamin C strengthens the immune system (after all, prevention is better than cure) and ensures a good production of white blood cells. Vitmaine C  also promotes the healing of skin damage. A squeezed lemon in a glass of warm water, without added sugar, gives noticeable changes within a day for sore throats, coughs, flu and colds.



Long before synthetic medicine, honey was used as a natural antibiotic and medicine. Both in the treatment of certain skin conditions and in the fight against other diseases. This was mainly due to the natural antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial enzymes that prevent the growth of certain bacteria. Honey is therefore multi-use when it comes to health. Please note:it must be natural (organic) honey! Unfortunately, there are many brands on the market where the honey is mixed with artificial substances, which undermine the effect of the honey.

Green tea

Green tea is indispensable in the kitchen as a natural antibiotic. The powerful antioxidants found in green tea strengthen the immune system and are indispensable in the fight against infections. Green tea fights infections such as E-coli and Streptococcus in combination with other antibiotics. Apart from all this, research shows that the healthy ingredients in green tea help to suppress and prevent the negative side effects of synthetic antibiotics. Drinking green tea daily means a natural strengthening of the immune system. Moreover, it turns out to be an effective weapon in the fight against obesity. Did you know that tea has even more uses? Read all about it in 6 healthy uses for tea.

Grapefruit seed

Increasingly, science is finding out that the seeds of certain fruits contain beneficial substances that are actually indispensable for a healthy lifestyle. This includes grapefruit seeds, which contain natural anti-viral, anti-fungal and antiseptic compounds. When these seeds are combined with other antioxidant substances, the body can be protected against free radicals and serious ailments. The extract of the grapefruit seed increases the natural resistance. It limits the growth of harmful bacteria that cause mould, among other things. Moreover, the natural balance in the body remains unaffected.

Oregano oil

Oregano oil is an all-rounder and can be used as natural antibiotics. The oil boosts immunity and keeps infections at bay. The use of oregano oil dates back to ancient times. The oil was already used 3000 years ago as an anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, antispasmodic, anesthetic, anti-parasitic and antidote. Oregano oil can be used in the treatment of various infections. Athlete's foot, insect bites, allergies, acne, sinusitis, gingivitis, digestive disorders (food poisoning), sore throat, bronchitis and colds.

Not mentioned, but also very healthy products that can protect the body against free radicals and can serve as a replacement for traditional medication include Omega 3 (fish oil) and coconut oil. Even red peppers have beneficial properties that benefit the body. Have you ever used natural antibiotic home remedies? If so, which one do you use?