Family Best Time >> Health

Tips to support your immune system

You can support and keep your immune system strong through good nutrition. For this, “immune boosters” are recommended. Our favorites are ginger, garlic, redcurrants, citrus fruits and fermented foods.

● Ginger:has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

● Garlic:Has antimicrobial, antifungal and antitumor properties and also contributes to cardiovascular health.

● Red berries:they protect the cells from damage.

● Fermented foods such as miso (paste made from soybeans), sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha. They are rich in probiotic bacteria and enzymes that are beneficial for the entire intestinal flora. Improving the health of the gut microbes strengthens the digestive and immune systems.

● Citrus fruits are an “antioxidant bomb”:their flavonoids improve cardiovascular health and metabolism, while vitamin C supports the immune system.

We recommend eating less animal-based foods, as they increase the acidity of the body and are difficult to digest and less nutritious. Alkaline foods, on the other hand, reduce inflammation, balance pH and strengthen the immune system.

Blueberry &Acai Smoothie recipe – makes 300 ml smoothie

Blueberries – 100 g
Banana – 100 g
Orange – 1 – freshly squeezed
Lime – 1/2 freshly squeezed
Acai berry powder – 5 g
Coconut water or almond milk – 100 ml
Ice cubes

1. Put everything in a blender and puree for 20 seconds
2. Put in a glass and serve