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6 Signs Your Immune System Is Weakened

6 Signs Your Immune System Is Weakened

You too have undoubtedly been consciously working on your immune system over the past year. Many have wondered if their immune systems would be strong enough to get through the pandemic unscathed. But no one can tell you better when your immune system is weak or strong than you. Your body often gives you signals as well. The following signs indicate that your immune system is weakened, but of course we also tell you what you can do about it.

1. Wounds heal less quickly

When we cut, scrape or bump ourselves, our immune system is busy repairing the wound. Our white blood cells fight infections and red blood cells provide a new layer of skin. But if your immune system is not working properly, you will notice that it takes longer for a wound to form a scab.

What you can do about it:

If you have underlying health problems that lead to poorer circulation, it is wise to consult a doctor. Unfortunately, you cannot change that much yourself at first…

2. You are stressed

When you are stressed, your body will sometimes translate this into inflammation in your body. Are you constantly stressed? Then it may be that your inflammations become chronic and start interfering with your immune system. As a result, the cells that protect your body against invaders can do their job less well.

What you can do about it:

Try to lower your stress level, for example through meditation, yoga, boxing lessons, a walk or a phone call with your best friend. Find the perfect relaxation therapy for you and notice how your mind and body will thank you in the long run.

3. You often get throat, nose or ear infections

If you get more than three throat or ear infections a year, you may have a weakened immune system. Do you visit the doctor twice a year with pneumonia or do you regularly receive antibiotics for your ailments? Even then it is wise to strengthen your immune system.

What you can do about it:

Visit your doctor or ENT specialist with these kinds of complaints. In addition, a visit to an allergy specialist is also not a bad plan. He or she may be able to offer you a very simple solution to your problems.

4. You always have a cold

As annoying as a cold is, it is less serious than the complaints we mentioned earlier. Of course, that doesn't mean that you should dismiss every cold and that there is no solution. It is possible that if you regularly have a cold, your immune system is weakened.

What you can do about it:

First, look at your lifestyle and determine which habits might be adapted to boost your immune system. Frequent colds are often related to a vitamin deficiency. So make sure you get enough vitamins through your diet or get vitamin D pills at the drugstore. Of course, a walk in the sun always helps too!

5. You are always tired

Fatigue can have many different causes, so don't just assume it's just your immune system. Once you've ruled out the underlying causes that are causing you to constantly walk around with drooping eyelids, you can focus on your immune system. It is possible that your immune system is doing its best to get you healthy and demands energy from you, but you are not resting enough to recharge. A vicious circle that is difficult to break, therefore.

What you can do about it:

Focus on your sleep pattern. Have a schedule to stick to and make your bedroom your ultimate zen place with blackout curtains and maybe a soothing pillow spray.

6. You always have to go to the toilet

Although many people suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and therefore often suffer from diarrhea or constipation, your immune system can also have a (negative) effect on your bowel movements.

What you can do about it:

Be especially careful with your diet. Eat a lot of fiber-rich foods and instead of that white casino bread, go for a whole-wheat option. By eating more fiber you keep your bowel movements healthy and smooth and you become your healthy self again!