Prevention is better than cure!
More and more of us, each year, are opting for cures to strengthen our immune defenses against winter ailments.
While the winter cold is a triggering factor for many ailments, the main cause of our illnesses remains a weakness in our immune defences.
To strengthen them, you have to pamper them! To prepare you too, here is my little simple and inexpensive program.
Vitamin C is an essential ally to avoid infections and declines .
You can abuse it:vitamin C hypervitaminosis has no known harmful side effects.
Winter being the season for oranges, I drink a juice in the morning and at snack time. I vary with clementines in case of peckishness and between meals.
The parsley is even richer in vitamin C. Never forget to add it to a salad or to yoghurt with garlic as a starter!
Vitamin E against the flu should not be neglected! Wheat germ oil is the richest in vitamin E. Add to your salads!
I also systematically add a teaspoon to my soup.
In less than a day and at low cost, magnesium chloride (to be dissolved in 1 liter of water) restores the onset of the flu, angina, otitis and all those little ailments of the stomach. winter.
With a cure of one week in prevention , it will strengthen your immune defenses in a not insignificant way. Watch out for the salty taste!
Echinacea has proven itself. N°1 in natural defense stimulator , 40% of Americans use it every year.
1 teaspoon of chopped whole plant for 25 cl of boiling water:this is an herbal tea that I take at least once a day !
grapefruit seed extract is also part of my healing panoply. It is antiviral and anti-infective. With 2 drops in my echinacea herbal tea, I'm ready to face winter!
Pollution, poor diet, lack of exercise, lack of sleep or even too much stress are of course factors that should not be overlooked.
Decrease these factors , is to increase our immune response to winter attacks.
There you go, you are now in great shape to spend the winter :-)
Preventing disease means avoiding spending 2 weeks in bed and spending a fortune on vaccines and specific drugs. Prevention is better than cure!
Of course, there are many other cures available in pharmacies. The price is however slightly excessive.