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Boost your immunity to be in shape

To better deal with infections, the best bulwark remains the application of barrier gestures. By adopting good hygiene and dietary habits, and by fighting against oxidative stress, you can also increase your defense capacities. Food, sports, the fight against stress, vitamins, plants... find out how to boost your immune defences!

Boost your defences:hygiene and dietetics

Adopting good hygiene and dietary habits helps to preserve or even stimulate the immune defences.

Balanced diet to stimulate your defenses

Diet plays a considerable role in the quality of our immune defense system. Rebalancing your diet , it helps to boost your immunity.

Antioxidants to boost your immunity

oxidative stress , or oxidative stress , is responsible for the production of free radicals . These reactive molecules are capable of causing numerous cellular damages, including at the level of the cells of the immune system. anti-oxidant nutrition eliminates these destructive free radicals, reduces oxidative stress and preserves immune cells.

In order to avoid any contraindication or drug interaction with antioxidants , always ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.

Vitamins for an antioxidant cocktail

Contained in fruits and vegetables in particular, several vitamins have demonstrated their effectiveness in improving the quality of immunity, in particular thanks to their antioxidant power:

  • Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant. According to some studies, it would prevent the onset of the common cold at doses of 250 mg to 1 g per day;
  • Vitamin A regulates the immune system. It contributes to the good health of the mucous membranes and the skin, natural barriers against the penetration of infectious agents into the body;
  • Vitamin E would strengthen the immune system in people over the age of 70 according to several studies.

Vitamin D would also reduce the incidence of a number of respiratory infections such as the flu according to recent research studies.

Phycocyanin , a natural blue dye present in blue-green algae, is a powerful antioxidant that is said to stimulate the immune system.

Minerals to fight against oxidative stress

Certain minerals also contribute to the regulation of defences. They are called enzyme co-factors:they help certain enzymes in the body carry out their antioxidant reactions. We find in particular:

  • Zinc , which would reduce the intensity of colds by stimulating the immune system;
  • Selenium , the deficiency of which would lead to a weakening of the immune system;
  • The magnesium , the deficiency of which would be responsible for anxiety and stress, and an alteration of the immune system;
  • Copper traditionally used in oligotherapy during ENT and respiratory infections.

The intestinal microbiota, an ally of the immune defences

The set of microorganisms living in our intestines is called "intestinal microbiota ". The quality of its composition depends on many factors, including our diet. An unbalanced diet leads to intestinal dysbiosis , i.e. an imbalance of the intestinal microbiota.

Recent research studies have shown the major role of the intestinal microbiota in modulating our local immune system (located in the intestinal mucosa) or remote organs responsible for immunity in the body (spleen, lymph nodes). The quality of our diet is therefore directly linked to this regulation of our defenses!

An American study from the Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center perfectly demonstrates this intricacy. It weaves the link between the famous Mediterranean diet, a well-balanced intestinal microbiota, and the proper functioning of the immune system. This diet was already known to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and even certain cancers. With the regular consumption of vegetables, it combines the choice of unsaturated fats of vegetable origin, the consumption of complete starchy foods, or even white meat and fish rather than red meat.

Overweight, a risk factor in case of infections

An unbalanced diet can lead to overweight or obesity, known as risk factors for many cardiovascular pathologies, diabetes, but also respiratory infections such as the flu or covid-19. According to an American study conducted by the University of North Carolina, the flu vaccine would work less well on overweight or obese people.

Alcohol, a false friend!

Contrary to popular belief, alcohol consumption does not kill germs. Alcohol dries out the mucous membranes, which helps to reduce their barrier effect and promote the passage of infectious agents.

A study from the University of Massachusetts also shows that excessive and repeated consumption of alcohol reduces the production of a protein (interferon 1) that regulates the immune system and is necessary for the elimination of viruses by defense cells. of the organism. It is also an irritant and it unbalances the intestinal microbiota.

To find lots of dietary advice and rebalance your diet, visit the Manger Bouger website of the French Ministry of Health and Public Health. The Menu Factory is a very handy tool!

Boost your immunity to be in shape

Boost your immunity through sport

In its study on physical activity, INSERM shows that a person's immune status improves with the practice of moderate and regular physical exercise . The number of white blood cells circulating in the blood increases (hyperleukocytosis). In the elderly, the moderate practice of sport prevents the decline of the immune system . For example, the response to the influenza vaccine is greater when the elderly person is trained.

However, we must not fall into the excess of sport which becomes counterproductive. In the INSERM study, intense physical exercise is followed by a drop in lymphocytes, a kind of white blood cells, in the blood (lymphopenia). This decrease in the capacity of the immune system is linked to the secretion of adrenaline and cortisol, two stress hormones . This state lasts several hours and predisposes to respiratory infections.

If regular and moderate physical exercise directly improves immunity, it is also an excellent stress regulator.

During the containment period linked to the covid-19 epidemic , ANSES (National Agency for Health, Food, Environment and Labor Safety) has published its recommendations concerning physical activity and the fight against a sedentary lifestyle. She reminds us that it is essential to practice regular physical exercise even in a small space.

If regular and moderate physical exercise directly improves immunity, it is also an excellent stress regulator.

Stay zen to boost your defenses

You have probably already noticed that it is when we work too much, pass a difficult exam, or do not sleep enough that we are most likely to fall ill. It's no coincidence:stress and immunity are intimately linked.

Fight against stress to boost your defenses

Stress and its deleterious consequences on the body are directly linked to the secretion of stress hormones , among which we find:

  • adrenaline , the acute stress hormone secreted at the time, which makes us want to flee or fight quickly when faced with a situation of fear or stress (at the sight of a hideous spider for example);
  • the cortisol , the chronic stress hormone, the secretion of which settles more durably and which is responsible for great fatigue that can go as far as burn-out. It is in particular cortisol that is responsible for more or less strong immunosuppression, that is to say a decrease in our ability to defend ourselves.

Stress is a risk factor for most infectious bacterial, viral, fungal or parasitic diseases.

Overcoming stress is a real learning process and many external factors contribute to making the task more difficult. Relaxation techniques, for example, have proven themselves. Australian research studies show that practicing yoga reduces stress and increases immunity.

The psychologist Claude Berghams associates the regular practice of meditation (a weekly session for 8 weeks) to an increase in the production of antibodies, molecules capable of specifically detecting pathogens with the aim of neutralizing them.

The cardiac coherence is an effective stress management technique. It consists of breathing calmly and deeply to slow down and regulate the heart rate and achieve rapid well-being. A few hours after practicing it effectively, there is a drop in cortisol and antibodies naturally present in saliva.

Sleeping well is better at resisting infections!

A quality sleep and restorative, lasting at least 7 hours per night on average in adults, directly promotes the immune status. In a study on sleep, INSERM associates sleep deprivation with a marked drop in white blood cells in the body.

Phytotherapy, homeopathy, and aromatherapy offer so many solutions to regulate stress and promote sleep. Seek advice from a trained healthcare professional. For more information, you can read our article Managing stress during exams.

Plants to boost the immune system

Certain plants are traditionally used to increase the capacities of the immune system. This is the case:

  • of eleutherococcus (Eleutherococcus sp. ) which would stimulate immune defenses and physical performance. It would improve our resistance to stress:we speak of adaptogenic properties. .

There are also plants rich in antioxidants, especially vitamin C, such as:

  • acerola , red fruit from South America;
  • the camu-camu , a fruit native to the Amazon.

Eleutherococcus is not recommended for people with high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or obesity, as well as for women who have suffered or are suffering from breast cancer.

It should also be noted that certain plants such as the willow , the queen of the near , the harpagophytum , turmeric , echinacea , birch , the poplar , licorice ,… are likely by their action on the immune system not to allow an adequate response of our natural defenses during an infection by SARS-Cov2 (or COVID-19). This is why ANSES recently issued an opinion, advising against the use of these plants for prevention and referring patients to the health professional who monitors them in the event of regular oral intake of these plants. To find out more, you can consult the article by ANSES (National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety).

Some essential oils also have immunostimulating and antioxidant powers such as ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora ). Laurel essential oil (Laurus nobilis ), clove (Eugenia caryophyllata ), cineole rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ) or lemon (Citrus limonum ) have powerful antioxidant properties. Seek advice from a healthcare professional trained in aromatherapy.

Probiotics, allies of immunity

Probiotics , made up of good bacteria, would be able to strengthen our intestinal microbiota and therefore our immune system. They would also stimulate the production of mucus in the intestine, as well as the synthesis of antibodies (immunity molecules capable of attaching themselves to microbes). Often associated with probiotics, prebiotics are good fibers to nourish the intestinal microbiota and promote its balance.