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Attention vegans:take these vitamins!

As soon as you choose a vegan lifestyle, you consciously keep animal products out of your diet. This can be due to objections of principle, the environment or other reasons. That is of course everyone's right, but it does require some extra attention. We get many of our necessary vitamins from animal products. Are you completely vegan? Then pay attention!

Vitamin B12 deficiency in vegetarians and vegans For people who do not take animal products, a vitamin B12 deficiency is especially lurking. It is also the most important vitamin to take into account. The problem with vitamin B12 is that it is only found in animal products, such as meat, eggs and milk products. It is therefore recommended for vegans to take vitamin B12 supplements on a daily basis.

This prevents a vitamin B12 deficiency and therefore:
Memory loss
Weak leg muscles
Ringing ears and tingling in fingers

Prevent an iron deficiency As a vegan, it is also better to buy vitamins to prevent an iron deficiency. Iron comes in two forms:heme iron and non-heme iron. The first is only found in animal products, non-heme iron also in plant products. Fortunately, in addition to supplements, there are some other tools that can help you with heme iron absorption. For example, a good amount of vitamin C helps a lot. Vitamin C ensures that non-heme iron is better absorbed from plant foods.

Magnesium:less chance of shortage Finally, it is good to keep a close eye on the magnesium content. Although a magnesium deficiency is less likely to occur in vegans than an iron and vitamin B12 deficiency, it is good to watch out. We are fortunate that magnesium is in many food products. For example, there is a lot of magnesium in whole-wheat bread and other whole-grain products. It is also found in many vegetables and certain nuts such as cashew nuts and Brazil nuts. For people who take few products that contain magnesium, it is recommended to take a dietary supplement with magnesium in order to maintain the daily dose.