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Improve your resistance

Improve your resistance

What is the best food to eat to improve your resistance?

To answer this question, Oregon State University surveyed 446 nutrients.

Two winners
Of all the controlled nutrients, only two have been shown to actually boost immune function:resveratrol in red grapes and pterostilbene in blueberries. They both work together with Vitamin D and have a significant influence on the CAMP gene that supports immune function.

Don't strike right away
You don't have to immediately load your basket with red grapes and blueberries. The research was only carried out in a lab. The question is whether the effect is the same when you eat the fruit, but the researchers called their lab discoveries a 'very interesting reaction'.

Follow-up study
More research is being done to clarify the effect of food on the immune system. In the future, this could open up possibilities for new nutrient-based treatments.

Source:Health Net | Image:Shutterstock