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Lose Weight and Get Fit Without Dieting.

Lose Weight and Get Fit Without Dieting.

Good news:we can finally lose weight without dieting! No more frustrations and incessant food control... What we must do:listen to our body. That's what I did and to my surprise, it worked.

Eating everything without depriving yourself not only allows you to lose weight gently but also to be in shape and feel good about yourself. I who have never been able to go on a diet , I think this time I have the solution to keep my weight in shape.

Lose Weight and Get Fit Without Dieting.

Listening to Your Body

First, I stopped obsessing over food . If we don't force it, the body eats what it needs:red meat if it lacks iron, chocolate if it has the blues. And it's a doctor specializing in nutrition problems who says it:what tastes good is generally good for your health!


Then, I did everything to burn calories , and not necessarily by exhausting myself in a daily jog (which I am quite incapable of!) or by chaining the series of abdominals but just bymoving !

I go up the stairs running , I walk instead of taking the car for short distances (to go to the post office, the bakery, the grocery store), I do my shopping every day with a basket (or two) on my arm, I ride by bike when possible.

In short, I have a moderate but regular physical activity .

Healthy Foods

Finally, I eat healthily , which does not mean eating "light" or exclusively "organic", but just do not abuse sugar and fat , I even cook simple things rather than reheating ready-made dishes, and above all I varie the foods without neglecting any .

No Deprivation

There is absolutely no food that I avoid, but none that I overeat either. It's very motivating to know that I will be able to bite into my chocolate in front of the evening movie, I don't feel deprived, and suddenly I'm less obsessed by my craving for chocolate:I know that I will satisfy it at some point.

To help me, I occasionally use devices easy to use to "build a house »:bread machine, ice cream maker, yogurt maker, not forgetting the precious blender for soups. And it would even be proven that going back to the stove melts the pounds...

And very strangely, while I do not deprive myself, my weight stabilized, I lost 2 kg without realizing it, and I feel in great shape .

It's your turn to try, and don't forget to leave your comments here . And you, do you have a solution to stay both slim and healthy?