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Drinking packets without sugar saves kilos of sugar per child per year

We have been aware for some time that children get too much sugar. It's just not really easy for us to leave all those sugars. For example, unfortunately there are very few packs of drinks without sugar available. In fact… many packets of drinks (such as multivitamins and the like) contain quite a bit of sugar. We now know that sugar is not good for you. If you want to inform yourself even more about this, read the article below carefully.

Read also: sugar is poison, eating less sugar is necessary

To draw attention to the worrying intake of sugar by children, the Switch Trick Weeks started today. During these weeks, parents and children can be informed about the amount of sugar in drinking packs for eight weeks. Because if you know what you are taking, it may also be easier to opt for packets of drinks without sugar.

Drink packets without sugar but with taste

Fruit-flavoured spring water without sugar or sweeteners is a good example of this. The producer of this spring water is therefore the initiator of this campaign. Consumers are shown in an accessible way how much sugar is in the standard drinking packs that many children still have in their school bag.

I myself was quite shocked by the broadcast of Radar which shows that children ingest their body weight in sugar every year 🙁 . Despite the fact that I am quite consciously busy myself (with an occasional outlier) I did not realize that it concerns so many kilos of sugar. Still, it is not surprising if you think about this for a moment. Because if you don't give your children packets of drinks without sugar to school, but for example a packet of multi-fruit juice, your child will soon ingest four lumps of sugar!

Maximum amount of sugar per day

Those 4 sugar cubes already take care of your tax. That is namely 17 grams of sugar per day, which is approximately equal to 4 sugar cubes. With that, one pack of multi-fruit juice would already ensure that you can no longer have sugar on that day, which seems an almost impossible task. If you give your child another cookie that day, you are already over it. This makes packets of drinks without sugar suddenly very interesting, don't you think? The brand also developed the Sugar Disc especially for the campaign; a handy turntable for the home that allows parents and children to see in an instant how much sugar is in the most purchased drink cartons. Seems most useful to me!

Drinking packets without sugar from Sourcy

Sourcy is the producer that has delved into the development of packets of drinks without sugar, with a taste. It's called Sourcy Water with a Fruit flavor. It contains 99% spring water and 0.1% natural fruit aroma for a banana or orange flavour, and 99.7% spring water with 0.3% natural fruit aroma for a strawberry flavour. It is spring water with a hint of fruit flavor and without bubbles, sugar, sweeteners, E numbers and acids that can affect teeth. That sounds good! This seems to be a nice replacement, especially for children who do not like to drink regular water, after all, you want your child to drink well, so drinks without sugar are a welcome change from, for example, a cup of tea. What may be an advantage for the little ones is the nice packaging. Each flavor has its own character:Mickey Mouse (strawberry), Donald Duck (banana) and Pluto (orange); your son or daughter will probably be more inclined to drink from this pack. not so quick to slurp a pack of Donald Duck in front of others…