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Drinking a glass of wine without discomfort

Drinking a glass of wine without discomfort

Do you suffer from headaches, red spots, itching or insomnia when you drink wine? There is now a solution!

You can of course leave the wine:you will no longer be bothered by it. But still:a good glass of wine every now and then is a pleasure… For real wine lovers there is now a solution to enjoy a glass of wine without discomfort.

Way free sulfite

Vinologist Jacqueline Niesten developed Sulfree. It is a Food Grade hydrogen peroxide based agent that converts the free sulfites in a wine into sulfates. These sulfates are also present in normal drinking water in these quantities. The good thing is:you won't taste it!

Read also: Make a slushie of your wine


Wine naturally contains sulfite, a substance that is formed during the fermentation process of grapes. Most wine producers add extra sulfites to make the wine last longer during transport and storage. The disadvantage is that you can get physical discomfort from it.

Jacqueline:“I myself suffer from the free sulphite in wine. Especially if I had had two glasses of wine at the diner around the corner, the next day I had the feeling that I had drunk two bottles. Since I worked for a long time at a wine company and had completed the vinologist training, the foundation for Sulfree was quickly laid. I was then also able to easily have tests done at a large bottling factory and use their knowledge of sulphite in commercial wines.”

How does it work?

A drop of the agent in your glass is enough for dry wine (white, red and rosé) and bubbles. For sweet wine (white and port), use two drops. When it comes to champagne, storage wines and organic wine, half a drop is enough, because these drinks contain a lower level of free sulphite.