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A health reset without a cure; the first 6 kilos are gone!

It has been a few years since I was really concerned with my health. I have tried quite a few things in the past to, for example, get rid of some extra kilos or feel better about myself. Unfortunately all without lasting results. That is why I really wanted to pick up a health reset this time without really doing a cure. I just want to get into a diet and lifestyle that becomes 'standard'. Which feels good in my head and where my body feels good again.

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It's not for nothing that I'm talking about starting a health reset because I'm not done yet. I'm actually still in the middle of it. Yet I feel in myself that it is starting to work and I see results. And that result, of course, does it for him. That, in combination with the fact that I don't follow a (crash) diet, means that this time I feel that I will stick with it. And hold on!

Are you already curious about what I'm working on? I'm going to explain it to you in a moment. But first this.

What exactly is a health reset?

A health reset can be seen as a 'back to factory settings'. That is different for everyone, of course, but it means as much as seeing if you can come back through the reset to the moment when you felt great. The moment when you went through life without complaints and could get by with the cheapest health insurance because you never had anything wrong.

For me, that moment was several years ago. This is by the way a purely physical approach in my case because otherwise I feel okay. Only my body weight kept increasing in recent years (despite all the lugging and all the renovations). I attribute this to the menopause, but it certainly has to do with my diet and eating pattern. In addition, I have more and more other complaints that are vague at one moment and seem identifiable the next. I will list my complaints.

Complaints I had before I started working with my health

  • Much more fatigue than before
  • My joints hurt, especially my knuckles and ankles
  • Increasing body weight
  • Very frequent pain in my back
  • Lush
  • Not being able to sleep well

The complaints may not seem extreme, but they are annoying. In fact, the problems with my joints are such that I have already been to the doctor several times. The suspicion is that I suffer from rheumatism - just like my mother had. But I have not (yet) been tested for it because the doctor indicated that she thought I was not yet ready for the heavy drugs they prescribe. Could the health reset help me?

The problems with my joints are expressed, for example, in the difficulty of opening jars. Very stiff hands when I wake up. But also the first meters that I get up from the couch or get out of bed crippled. Not life-threatening, but painful and irritating.

The fatigue is such a general 'malaise' feeling and the listlessness also fits into the same framework. And so strange really, because even though I'm tired, I often lie awake. My night's sleep is not great. And my ever increasing weight is just really annoying. I don't feel good in my own skin, so I tend to eat sweets, snack and drink more.

Why I chose a 'regular' health reset and what it does to me

As I mentioned above, I have already tried certain diets more often, but I have also done a juice cure or started working with New Fysic, for example. It all works. But somehow I can never hold the result anyway. So time for something different. An adjustment in my eating pattern that is close to a normal eating pattern. Something that is very easy to maintain and that can actually be regarded as normal food. Lose weight with healthy food.

You won't believe it, but it seems I found that in Sonja Bakker. I know, she's been in some pretty bad news lately and I'm sure it will all add up. But to be honest, it doesn't really matter to me right now. I try to follow what works well for me and Sonja Bakkeren seems to be a good solution. And if you look at how the daily menus are put together, there is nothing special about it. No additives, no supplements, no extra pills. Nothing.

Just eat normal food and change it up. Do not snack or drink wine (at least not during the week). I have now lost 6 kilos in 7 weeks with her method. Seven weeks of which I do the health reset during the week and I just have the weekend on the weekend. Then I have a glass of wine, I celebrate a wedding with all kinds of goodies, go out for dinner and have a drink with friends. And yes, after that weekend I am a bit heavier again, but after one or two days Sonja Bakker my reset is complete and I can continue working on my health.

Read the result on a good scale

To keep track of the results of my own health reset, I use a scale that doesn't just measure weight. This scale also measures values ​​such as body fat %, BMI and muscle mass and the like. Super nice because that way you can see exactly what is happening. If I went 'loose' during the weekend, I immediately see that reflected in my body fat and BMI. And if I pick up my health reset during the week, I immediately see a good decrease in it.

But even more important is how I feel about my health in this way. In addition to my weight, my fatigue is also decreasing significantly. I have significantly less problems with my joints and if I once fly out of the ban (for example with too much bread) I immediately feel a dip coming on. I also sleep better, but the pain in my back is not completely gone. But who knows, maybe that will come.

A health reset doesn't have to be radical

What I really want to tell you is that a health reset doesn't have to be radical. Small differences, such as stopping alcohol during the week or drinking more water, do a lot.

And yes, with a certain detox you may be able to achieve even more. The only question then is whether you will keep it up. What I'm teaching myself now is that I just have to eat and drink wisely during the week. No sugar, no alcohol. Lots of vegetables and not too many carbohydrates. And then I can treat myself a bit on the weekend. Exactly as it should be, I think I can keep it up very well. You can actually say that such a reset is also more of a mindset.

This is currently my starting point for the next kilos I still want to lose. And I'm not going to worry about all kinds of extras for my health insurance just yet. I believe that I can achieve such good results with a health reset that I don't have to see a rheumatologist for the time being!