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Take the Challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Eating Sugar!

Take the Challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Eating Sugar!

Sugars are present in almost all foods.

You can find them everywhere, even in savory dishes!

In too high doses, they pose a real danger to your health!

I know, taking up the challenge of eating without added sugars can seem difficult…

But the benefits and advantages for your health are very numerous, including losing weight quickly.

In this article, I reveal which foods you can eat, and which ones you absolutely must avoid.

I also reveal how to spot hidden sugars on food labels.

Come on, let's go for the 30 days WITHOUT eating sugar challenge . The health benefits are amazing! Watch:

Take the Challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Eating Sugar!

Click here to easily print this guide in PDF.

Take up the challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Sugar!

It means:

- no chocolate

- no cookies

- no sodas (including Diet Coke)

- for 30 days!

What are the health benefits of quitting sugar for 1 month?

Take the Challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Eating Sugar!

Is it really to stop eating sugar for 1 month good for your health?

As expected, YES!

Stopping or at least reducing foods high in added sugars is even great for your overall health!

Especially in those who tend to eat it regularly and in large quantities.

But be careful…

As with any diet, the key to success is regularity!

Indeed, for it to work, the idea is to learn how to change your eating habits over the long term .

Which is not necessarily the goal of a 30-day challenge.

Do you see where I'm coming from?

Removing added sugars from your diet for 30 days can only do you good!

But if, right after the challenge, you start eating foods full of added sugar again…

Then, all the benefits of the challenge will be quickly lost!

Want to know what happens to your body if you stop sugar for 1 month? Here are the 15 health benefits.

Forbidden foods

Take the Challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Eating Sugar!

Are you tempted by the idea of ​​the challenge?

Be aware that nutritionists advise in particular to avoid foods and drinks rich in added sugars , including:

- sugars: powdered and granulated sugar, honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, agave, coconut sugar.

- sugary drinks :sodas, fruit juices, smoothies, coffee drinks and energy drinks with added sugars.

- condiments with added sugars: ketchup, barbecue sauce, honey mustard, coffee cream.

- dairy desserts: flavored yoghurts, ice cream, dessert creams, chocolate milk.

- pastries: cookies, biscuits, cakes and bread with added sugars.

- biscuits and breakfast cereals: muesli, cereals, cereal bars and oatmeal with added sugars.

- sweets: chocolate, hard and soft candies, caramels.

- alcohol: cocktails, liqueurs and any alcoholic beverage with added sugars.

- certain savory dishes: deli meats, soups, pizzas, ready meals, biscuits for the aperitif, etc.

Know that experts also recommend giving up sugar substitutes.

Yes, even natural or artificial sweeteners that are low calorie or calorie free.

That means no aspartame, no sucralose, no stevia and no fructose.

Generally, nutritionists also recommend minimizing refined grain products. That is:

- white bread

- "white" pasta and

- white rice.

Replace them instead with products made from whole grains and, of course, without added sugars.

Authorized foods

Take the Challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Eating Sugar!

Those who complete the 30 Day Sugar Free Challenge are encouraged to focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods.


- vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, carrots, asparagus, zucchini, sweet potatoes, etc.

- fruit: apples, oranges, berries, grapes, cherries, grapefruit, etc.

- proteins: chicken, fish, beef, tofu, eggs, etc.

- good fats: egg yolk, avocados, nuts and shelled fruits, seeds, olive oil, natural yoghurt, etc.

- complex carbohydrates: beans, quinoa, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, brown rice, etc.

- sugar-free drinks: water, sparkling water, coffee and tea with no added sugar.

What can replace the sweetest foods?

Take the Challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Eating Sugar!

Here is a list of foods that are best replaced with healthier alternatives for your health.

- Replace soda with water.

- Replace white bread with wholemeal bread.

- Replace white pasta with wholemeal pasta.

- Replace white rice with brown rice.

- Replace sweets with fruits.

- Replace alcohol:replace it with tea.

- Replace chips:replace with nuts.

How to spot sugar on labels?

Take the Challenge:30 Days WITHOUT Eating Sugar!

Click here to easily print this guide in PDF.

Want to eat less sugar?

So get ready for a real obstacle course:how to decipher the labels !

Do not assume that the absence of the mention “sugar” means that the product does not contain it.

Indeed, because most processed foods contain it, even some unsuspected foods.

Yes, our best enemy is hiding almost everywhere.

And to make matters even more complicated, it is known by a huge number of different names.

Typically, here are the ingredients that should alert you to its presence:

- anything that contains the words "syrup", "malt", "starch" or "starch"

- everything that ends in "ose"

- everything that ends in "ol"

- everything that ends in "ide"

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the many names that designate sugars, carbohydrates and sweeteners:

- Agave

- Acesulfame potassium (acesulfame K)

- Wheat starch

- Corn starch

- Potato starch

- Rice starch

- Tapioca Starch

- Processed starch

- Arabitol

- Aspartame

- Caramel

- Brown Sugar

- Cellulose

- Fruit juice concentrate

- Sugar cane juice crystals (and, in general, anything with the word cane in it)

- Cyclamate

- Dextrin

- Dextrose

- Erythritol

- Ethyl-maltol

- Barley malt extract

- Starch (cassava)

- Fructose

- Galactose

- Glucose

- Glycerol

- Arabic gum

- Locust Bean Gum

- Guar gum

- Xanthan Gum

- Isomaltose

- Evaporated sugar cane juice

- Fruit juice

- Lactose

- Whey

- Diastatic Malt

- Barley Malt

- Maltodextrin

- Maltose


- Molasses

- Honey

- Pectin

- Polyol

- Sucrose

- Birch sap

- Syrup

- Agave syrup

- Starch Syrup

- Carob syrup

- Evaporated sugar cane syrup

- Fructose syrup

- Glucose syrup

- Glucose-fructose syrup

- High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

- Corn syrup

- Malt syrup

- Maple syrup

- Rice syrup

- Sorghum syrup

- Sorbitol

- Stevia

- Glucose Solids

- Sucanat

- Invert sugar

- Telosmosides

- Thaumatins

- Trehalose

- Trehalulose

- Trilobatin

- Turbinado

- Xylitol

- Xylose

Your turn…

Have you tried the 30 days without eating sugar challenge? Let us know in the comments if it worked for you. We can't wait to read you!